.. _/spec/plans: Plans ===== *As a tester I want to easily execute selected tests or selected test steps in given environment.* **Plans**, also called L2 metadata, are used to group relevant tests and enable the CI. They describe how to `discover` tests for execution, how to `provision` the environment, how to `prepare` it for testing, how to `execute` tests, `report` results and finally how to `finish` the test job. Each of the six steps mentioned above supports multiple implementations. The default methods are listed below. * :ref:`/spec/plans/discover`: shell * :ref:`/spec/plans/provision`: virtual * :ref:`/spec/plans/prepare`: shell * :ref:`/spec/plans/execute`: tmt * :ref:`/spec/plans/report`: display * :ref:`/spec/plans/finish`: shell Thanks to clearly separated test steps it is possible to run only selected steps, for example ``tmt run discover`` to see which tests would be executed. In addition to the attributes defined here, plans also support common :ref:`/spec/core` attributes which are shared across all metadata levels. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Enabled a minimal smoke test execute: script: foo --version # Run tier one tests in a container discover: how: fmf filter: tier:1 provision: how: container execute: how: tmt # Verify that apache can serve pages summary: Basic httpd smoke test provision: how: virtual memory: 4096 prepare: - name: packages how: install package: [httpd, curl] - name: service how: shell script: systemctl start httpd execute: how: shell script: - echo foo > /var/www/html/index.html - curl http://localhost/ | grep foo .. _/spec/plans/context: context ^^^^^^^ Definition of the test execution context *As a user I want to define the default context in which tests included in given plan should be executed.* Define the default context values for all tests executed under the given plan. Can be overridden by context provided directly on the command line. See the :ref:`/spec/context` definition for the full list of supported context dimensions. Must be a ``dictionary``. .. note:: The context dimensions which are defined in the plan are not evaluated when the :ref:`/spec/core/adjust` rules are applied to the plan itself. Use the command line option ``--context`` to provide the desired context instead. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml summary: Test basic functionality of the httpd24 collection discover: how: fmf execute: how: tmt context: collection: httpd24 .. code-block:: yaml summary: Verify dash against the shared shell tests repository discover: how: fmf url: https://src.fedoraproject.org/tests/shell execute: how: tmt context: component: dash **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `/tmt/base.py `_ .. _/spec/plans/discover: discover ^^^^^^^^ Discover tests relevant for execution Gather information about tests which are supposed to be run. Provide method ``tests()`` returning a list of discovered tests and ``requires()`` returning a list of all required packages aggregated from the `require`_ attribute of the individual test metadata. .. _require: https://tmt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/spec/tests.html#require Store the list of aggregated tests with their corresponding metadata in the ``tests.yaml`` file. The format must be a list of dictionaries structured in the following way: .. code-block:: yaml - name: /test/one summary: Short test summary. description: Long test description. contact: Petr Šplíchal component: [tmt] test: tmt --help path: /test/path/ require: [package1, package2] environment: key1: value1 key2: value2 key3: value3 duration: 5m enabled: true result: respect tag: [tag] tier: 1 serial-number: 1 - name: /test/two summary: Short test summary. description: Long test description. ... **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Enabled a minimal smoke test execute: script: foo --version # Run tier one tests in a container discover: how: fmf filter: tier:1 provision: how: container execute: how: tmt # Verify that apache can serve pages summary: Basic httpd smoke test provision: how: virtual memory: 4096 prepare: - name: packages how: install package: [httpd, curl] - name: service how: shell script: systemctl start httpd execute: how: shell script: - echo foo > /var/www/html/index.html - curl http://localhost/ | grep foo .. _/spec/plans/discover/dist-git-source: dist-git-source ::::::::::::::: Download rpm sources for dist-git repositories Downloads the source files specified in the ``sources`` file of a DistGit (Fedora, CentOS) repository. Plan using the option has to be defined in a DistGit repository or the ``url`` option needs to point to the root of such repository. All source files are available for further use in the directory provided in the ``TMT_SOURCE_DIR`` variable. Patches are applied by ``rpm-build -bp`` command which runs in ``prepare`` step on the provisioned guest, with order ``60``. .. versionadded:: 1.32 dist-git-source Download and (optionally) extract the sources. dist-git-type Use the provided DistGit handler instead of the auto detection. Useful when running from forked repositories. dist-git-download-only When ``true`` sources are just downloaded. No ``rpmbuild -bp``, nor installation of require or buildddeps happens. .. versionadded:: 1.29 dist-git-require List of packages to install before ``rpmbuild -bp`` is attempted on the sources. The rpm-build package itself is installed automatically. .. versionadded:: 1.32 dist-git-install-builddeps When set to ``true`` build requirements are installed. .. versionadded:: 1.32 The :ref:`/spec/plans/discover/fmf` plugin supports additional dist-git options, see its documentation for details. .. note:: In order to discover which tests would be executed, without actually running them, it is necessary to enable the `provision` and `prepare` steps as well: .. code-block:: tmt run -v discover provision prepare finish **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Download & extract sources from another repo, print # single file as a test discover: how: shell url: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/tmt dist-git-source: true tests: - name: /print/pyproject test: cat $TMT_SOURCE_DIR/tmt-*/pyproject.toml .. code-block:: yaml # Just download sources, test is responsible for rpmbuild # and running tests discover: how: shell dist-git-source: true dist-git-download-only: true tests: - name: /unit test: > rpmbuild -bp --define "_sourcedir $TMT_SOURCE_DIR" --define "_builddir $TMT_SOURCE_DIR/BUILD" $TMT_SOURCE_DIR/*.spec && cd $TMT_SOURCE_DIR/BUILD/* && make test require: - rpm-build **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `discover/fmf `_ * Implemented by `discover/shell `_ .. _/spec/plans/discover/fmf: fmf ::: Discover available tests using the fmf format Use the `Flexible Metadata Format`_ to explore all available tests in given repository. The following parameters are supported: url Git repository containing the metadata tree. Current git repository used by default. ref Branch, tag or commit specifying the desired git revision. Defaults to the remote repository's default branch if url given or to the current ``HEAD`` if url not provided. Additionally, one can set ``ref`` dynamically. This is possible using a special file in tmt format stored in the *default* branch of a tests repository. This special file should contain rules assigning attribute ``ref`` in an `adjust` block, for example depending on a test run context. Dynamic ``ref`` assignment is enabled whenever a test plan reference has the format ``ref: @FILEPATH``. path Path to the metadata tree root. Must be relative to the git repository root if url provided, absolute local filesystem path otherwise. By default ``.`` is used. See also the `fmf identifier`_ documentation for details. Use the following keys to limit the test discovery by test name, an advanced filter or link: test List of test names or regular expressions used to select tests by name. Duplicate test names are allowed to enable repetitive test execution, preserving the listed test order. link Select tests using the :ref:`/spec/core/link` keys. Values must be in the form of ``RELATION:TARGET``, tests containing at least one of them are selected. Regular expressions are supported for both relation and target. Relation part can be omitted to match all relations. filter Apply advanced filter based on test metadata attributes. See ``pydoc fmf.filter`` for more info. exclude Exclude tests which match a regular expression. prune Copy only immediate directories of executed tests and their required files. .. versionadded:: 1.29 It is also possible to limit tests only to those that have changed in git since a given revision. This can be particularly useful when testing changes to tests themselves (e.g. in a pull request CI). Related config options (all optional) are: modified-only Set to ``true`` if you want to filter modified tests only. The test is modified if its name starts with the name of any directory modified since modified-ref. modified-url An additional remote repository to be used as the reference for comparison. Will be fetched as a ``reference`` remote in the test dir. modified-ref The ref to compare against. Defaults to the local repository's default branch. Note that you need to specify ``reference/`` to compare to a branch from the repository specified in ``modified-url``. Use the :ref:`/spec/plans/discover/dist-git-source` options to download rpm sources for dist-git repositories. In addition to the common dist-git-source features, the ``fmf`` plugin also supports the following options: dist-git-init Set to ``true`` to initialize fmf root inside extracted sources at ``dist-git-extract`` location or top directory. To be used when the sources contain fmf files (for example tests) but do not have an associated fmf root. dist-git-remove-fmf-root Set to ``true`` to remove any fmf root present in the sources. ``dist-git-init`` can be used to create it later at desired location. dist-git-merge Set to ``true`` to combine fmf root from the sources and fmf root from the plan. It allows to have plans and tests defined in the DistGit repo which use tests and other resources from the downloaded sources. Any plans in extracted sources will not be processed. dist-git-extract Path specifying what should be copied from the sources. Defaults to top fmf root or top directory ``/``. .. _fmf identifier: https://fmf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concept.html#identifiers .. _Flexible Metadata Format: https://fmf.readthedocs.io/ **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Discover all fmf tests in the current repository discover: how: fmf .. code-block:: yaml # Fetch tests from a remote repo, filter by name/tier discover: how: fmf url: https://github.com/teemtee/tmt ref: main path: /metadata/tree/path test: [regexp] filter: tier:1 .. code-block:: yaml # Choose tests verifying given issue discover: how: fmf link: verifies:issues/123$ .. code-block:: yaml # Select only tests which have been modified discover: how: fmf modified-only: true modified-url: https://github.com/teemtee/tmt-official modified-ref: reference/main .. code-block:: yaml # Extract tests from the distgit sources discover: how: fmf dist-git-source: true **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `discover/fmf `_ .. _/spec/plans/discover/shell: shell ::::: Provide a manual list of shell test cases List of test cases to be executed can be defined manually directly in the plan as a list of dictionaries containing test ``name`` and actual ``test`` script. Optionally it is possible to define any other :ref:`/spec/tests` attributes such as ``path`` or ``duration`` here as well. The default :ref:`/spec/tests/duration` for tests defined directly in the discover step is ``1h``. It is possible to fetch code from a remote git repository using ``url``. In that case repository is cloned and all paths are relative to the remote git root. Using remote repo and local test code at the same time is not possible within the same discover config, use :ref:`multiple-configs` instead. url Git repository, used directly as a git clone argument. ref Branch, tag or commit specifying the desired git revision. Defaults to the remote repository's default branch. keep-git-metadata By default the ``.git`` directory is removed to save disk space. Set to ``true`` to sync the git metadata to guest as well. Implicit if ``dist-git-source`` is used. Use the :ref:`/spec/plans/discover/dist-git-source` options to download rpm sources for dist-git repositories. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Define several local tests discover: how: shell tests: - name: /help/main test: tmt --help - name: /help/test test: tmt test --help - name: /help/smoke test: ./smoke.sh path: /tests/shell duration: 1m .. code-block:: yaml # Fetch tests from a remote repository discover: how: shell url: https://github.com/teemtee/tmt tests: - name: Use tests/full/test.sh from the remote repo path: /tests/full test: ./test.sh **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `discover/shell `_ .. _/spec/plans/discover/where: where ::::: Execute tests on selected guests In the :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/multihost` scenarios it is often necessary to execute test code on selected guests only or execute different test code on individual guests. The ``where`` key allows to select guests where the tests should be executed by providing their ``name`` or the ``role`` they play in the scenario. Use a list to specify multiple names or roles. By default, when the ``where`` key is not defined, tests are executed on all provisioned guests. There is also an alternative to the syntax using a ``where`` dictionary encapsulating the ``discover`` config under keys corresponding to guest names or roles. This can result in much more concise config especially when defining several shell scripts for each guest or role. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Run different script for each guest or role discover: how: shell tests: - name: run-the-client-code test: client.py where: client - name: run-the-server-code test: server.py where: server .. code-block:: yaml # Filter different set of tests for each guest or role discover: - how: fmf filter: tag:client-tests where: client - how: fmf filter: tag:server-tests where: server .. code-block:: yaml # Alternative syntax using the 'where' dictionary # encapsulating for tests defined by fmf discover: where: client: - how: fmf filter: tag:client-tests server: - how: fmf filter: tag:server-tests .. code-block:: yaml # Alternative syntax using the 'where' dictionary # encapsulating for shell script tests discover: where: server: how: shell tests: - test: first server script - test: second server script - test: third server script client: how: shell tests: - test: first client script - test: second client script - test: third client script **Status:** implemented, verified and documented * Implemented by `/tmt/steps `_ * Verified by `/tests/multihost/complete `_ * Verified by `/tests/multihost/web `_ * Documented by :ref:`guide` .. _/spec/plans/environment-file: environment-file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Environment variables from files In addition to the :ref:`/spec/plans/environment` key it is also possible to provide environment variables in a file. Supported formats are dotenv/shell with ``KEY=VALUE`` pairs and ``yaml``. Full `url` can be used to fetch variables from a remote source. The ``environment`` key has a higher priority. File path must be relative to the metadata tree root. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Load from a dotenv/shell format /plan: environment-file: - env # Load from a yaml format /plan: environment-file: - environment.yml - environment.yaml # Fetch from remote source /plan: environment-file: - https://example.org/project/environment.yaml **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `/tmt/base.py `_ * Verified by `/tests/core/environment-file `_ .. _/spec/plans/environment: environment ^^^^^^^^^^^ Environment variables Specifies environment variables available in all steps. Plugins need to include these environment variables while running commands or other programs. These environment variables override test :ref:`/spec/tests/environment` if present. Command line option ``--environment`` can be used to override environment variables defined in both tests and plan. Use the :ref:`/spec/plans/environment-file` key to load variables from files. The ``environment+`` notation can be used to extend environment defined in the parent plan, see also the :ref:`inherit-plans` section for more examples. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Environment variables defined in a plan environment: KOJI_TASK_ID: 42890031 RELEASE: f33 execute: script: echo "Testing $KOJI_TASK_ID on release $RELEASE" .. code-block:: yaml # Share common variables across plans using inheritance /plans: environment: COMMON: This is a common variable content /mini: environment+: VARIANT: mini /full: environment+: VARIANT: full .. code-block:: yaml # Variables from the command line tmt run --environment X=1 --environment Y=2 tmt run --environment "X=1 Y=2" .. code-block:: yaml # Make sure to quote properly values which include spaces tmt run --environment "BUGS='123 456 789'" **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `/tmt/base.py `_ * Implemented by `/tmt/steps/discover `_ * Verified by `/tests/core/env `_ .. _/spec/plans/execute: execute ^^^^^^^ Define how tests should be executed Execute discovered tests in the provisioned environment using selected test executor. By default tests are executed using the internal ``tmt`` executor which allows to show detailed progress of the testing and supports interactive debugging. This is a **required** attribute. Each plan has to define this step. For each test, a separate directory is created for storing artifacts related to the test execution. Its path is constructed from the test name and it's stored under the ``execute/data`` directory. It contains a ``metadata.yaml`` file with the aggregated L1 metadata which can be used by the test :ref:`/spec/tests/framework`. In addition to supported :ref:`/spec/tests` attributes it also contains fmf ``name`` of the test. In each plan, the execute step must produce a ``results.yaml`` file with results for executed tests. The format of the file is described at :ref:`/spec/plans/results`. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Enabled a minimal smoke test execute: script: foo --version # Run tier one tests in a container discover: how: fmf filter: tier:1 provision: how: container execute: how: tmt # Verify that apache can serve pages summary: Basic httpd smoke test provision: how: virtual memory: 4096 prepare: - name: packages how: install package: [httpd, curl] - name: service how: shell script: systemctl start httpd execute: how: shell script: - echo foo > /var/www/html/index.html - curl http://localhost/ | grep foo .. _/spec/plans/execute/exit-first: exit-first :::::::::: Stop execution after a test fails *As a user I want to avoid waiting for all discovered tests to finish if one of them fails.* Optional boolean attribute `exit-first` can be used to make the executor stop executing tests once a test failure is encountered. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml execute: how: tmt exit-first: true **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `execute/tmt `_ * Verified by `/tests/execute/exit-first `_ .. _/spec/plans/execute/isolate: isolate ::::::: Run tests in an isolated environment .. note:: This is a draft, the story is not implemented yet. Optional boolean attribute `isolate` can be used to request a clean test environment for each test. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml execute: how: tmt isolate: true **Status:** idea .. _/spec/plans/execute/script: script :::::: Execute shell scripts *As a user I want to easily run shell script as a test.* Execute arbitrary shell commands and check their exit code which is used as a test result. The ``script`` field is provided to cover simple test use cases only and must not be combined with the :ref:`/spec/plans/discover` step which is more suitable for more complex test scenarios. Default shell options are applied to the script, see :ref:`/spec/tests/test` for more details. The default :ref:`/spec/tests/duration` for tests defined directly under the execute step is ``1h``. Use the ``duration`` attribute to modify the default limit. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Run a simple smoke test execute: how: tmt script: tmt --help .. code-block:: yaml # Modify the default maximum duration execute: how: tmt script: a-long-test-suite duration: 3h * Implemented by `execute/tmt `_ .. _/spec/plans/execute/script/multi: Multi-line script ----------------- Multi-line shell script Providing a multi-line shell script is also supported. Note that the first command with non-zero exit code will finish the execution. See the :ref:`/spec/tests/test` key for details about default shell options. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml execute: script: | dnf -y install httpd curl systemctl start httpd echo foo > /var/www/html/index.html curl http://localhost/ | grep foo **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `execute/tmt `_ .. _/spec/plans/execute/script/several: Multiple commands ----------------- Multiple shell commands You can also include several commands as a list. Executor will run commands one-by-one and check exit code of each. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml execute: script: - dnf -y install httpd curl - systemctl start httpd - echo foo > /var/www/html/index.html - curl http://localhost/ | grep foo **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `execute/tmt `_ .. _/spec/plans/execute/script/simple: The simplest usage ------------------ Simple use case should be super simple to write As the `how` keyword can be omitted when using the default executor you can just define the shell `script` to be run. This is how a minimal smoke test configuration for the `tmt` command can look like: **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml execute: script: tmt --help **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `execute/tmt `_ .. _/spec/plans/execute/tmt: tmt ::: Internal test executor *As a user I want to execute tests directly from tmt.* The internal ``tmt`` executor runs tests in the provisioned environment one by one directly from the tmt code which allows features such as showing live :ref:`/stories/cli/steps/execute/progress` or the :ref:`/stories/cli/steps/execute/interactive` session . This is the default execute step implementation. The executor provides following shell scripts which can be used by the tests for certain operations. ``tmt-file-submit`` Archive the given file in the tmt test data directory. See the :ref:`/stories/features/report-log` section for more details. ``tmt-reboot`` Soft reboot the machine from inside the test. After reboot the execution starts from the test which rebooted the machine. An environment variable ``TMT_REBOOT_COUNT`` is provided which the test can use to handle the reboot. The variable holds the number of reboots performed by the test. For more information see the :ref:`/stories/features/reboot` feature documentation. ``tmt-report-result`` Generate a result report file from inside the test. Can be called multiple times by the test. The generated report file will be overwritten if a higher hierarchical result is reported by the test. The hierarchy is as follows: SKIP, PASS, WARN, FAIL. For more information see the :ref:`/stories/features/report-result` feature documentation. ``tmt-abort`` Generate an abort file from inside the test. This will set the current test result to failed and terminate the execution of subsequent tests. For more information see the :ref:`/stories/features/abort` feature documentation. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml execute: how: tmt **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `execute/tmt `_ * Verified by `/tests/execute/framework `_ .. _/spec/plans/execute/upgrade: upgrade ::::::: Perform system upgrades during testing *As a tester I want to verify that a configured application or service still correctly works after the system upgrade.* In order to enable developing tests for upgrade testing, we need to provide a way how to execute these tests easily. This does not cover unit tests for individual actors but rather system tests which verify the whole upgrade story. The ``upgrade`` executor runs the discovered tests (using the internal executor, hence the same config options can be used), then performs a set of upgrade tasks from a remote repository, and finally, re-runs the tests on the upgraded system. The ``IN_PLACE_UPGRADE`` environment variable is set during the test execution to differentiate between the stages of the test. It is set to ``old`` during the first execution and ``new`` during the second execution. Test names are prefixed with this value to make the names unique. Based on this variable, the test can perform appropriate actions. old setup, test new test, cleanup without setup, test, cleanup The upgrade tasks performing the actual system upgrade are taken from a remote repository (specified by the ``url`` key) based on an upgrade path (specified by the ``upgrade-path`` key) or other filters (e.g. specified by the ``filter`` key). If both ``upgrade-path`` and extra filters are specified, the discover keys in the remote upgrade path plan are overridden by the filters specified in the local plan. The upgrade path must correspond to a plan name in the remote repository whose discover selects tests (upgrade tasks). The environment variables defined in the upgrade path are passed to the upgrade tasks. If the ``url`` is not provided, upgrade path and upgrade tasks are taken from the current repository. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Main testing plan discover: how: fmf execute: how: upgrade url: https://github.com/teemtee/upgrade upgrade-path: /paths/fedora35to36 .. code-block:: yaml # Upgrade path /paths/fedora35to36.fmf in the remote repository discover: # Selects appropriate upgrade tasks (L1 tests) how: fmf filter: "tag:fedora" environment: # This is passed to upgrade tasks SOURCE: 35 TARGET: 36 execute: how: tmt .. code-block:: yaml # Alternative main testing plan, without upgrade path execute: how: upgrade url: https://github.com/teemtee/upgrade filter: "tag:fedora" .. code-block:: yaml # A simple beakerlib test using the $IN_PLACE_UPGRADE variable . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1 VENV_PATH=/var/tmp/venv_test rlJournalStart # Perform the setup only for the old distro if [[ "$IN_PLACE_UPGRADE" != "new" ]]; then rlPhaseStartSetup rlRun "python3.9 -m venv $VENV_PATH" rlRun "$VENV_PATH/bin/pip install pyjokes" rlPhaseEnd fi # Execute the test for both old & new distro rlPhaseStartTest rlAsssertExists "$VENV_PATH/bin/pyjoke" rlRun "$VENV_PATH/bin/pyjoke" rlPhaseEnd # Skip the cleanup phase when on the old distro if [[ "$IN_PLACE_UPGRADE" != "old" ]]; then rlPhaseStartCleanup rlRun "rm -rf $VENV_PATH" rlPhaseEnd fi rlJournalEnd **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `execute/upgrade `_ * Verified by `/tests/execute/upgrade `_ .. _/spec/plans/finish: finish ^^^^^^ Finishing tasks Additional actions to be performed after the test execution has been completed. Counterpart of the ``prepare`` step useful for various cleanup actions. Use the :ref:`/spec/core/order` attribute to select in which order finishing tasks should happen if there are multiple configs. Default order is ``50``. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml finish: how: shell script: upload-logs.sh .. _/spec/plans/finish/ansible: ansible ::::::: Perform finishing tasks using ansible One or more playbooks can be provided as a list under the ``playbook`` attribute. Each of them will be applied using ``ansible-playbook`` in the given order. The path must be relative to the metadata tree root. Remote playbooks can be referenced as well as the local ones, and both kinds can be used at the same time. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml finish: how: ansible playbook: - playbooks/common.yml - playbooks/os/rhel7.yml - https://foo.bar/rhel7-final-touches.yml **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `finish/ansible `_ .. _/spec/plans/finish/shell: shell ::::: Perform finishing tasks using shell (bash) scripts Execute arbitrary shell commands to finish the testing. Default shell options are applied to the script, see the :ref:`/spec/tests/test` key specification for more details. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml finish: how: shell script: - upload-logs.sh || true - rm -rf /tmp/temporary-files **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `finish/shell `_ .. _/spec/plans/finish/where: where ::::: Perform finishing tasks on selected guests In the :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/multihost` scenarios it is often necessary to perform different preparation tasks on individual guests. The ``where`` key allows to select guests where the finishing tasks should be applied by providing their ``name`` or the ``role`` they play in the scenario. Use a list to specify multiple names or roles. By default, when the ``where`` key is not defined, finishing tasks are performed on all provisioned guests. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Stop Apache on the server prepare: - how: shell script: systemctl stop httpd where: server **Status:** implemented and documented * Implemented by `/tmt/steps `_ * Documented by :ref:`guide` .. _/spec/plans/prepare: prepare ^^^^^^^ Prepare the environment for testing The ``prepare`` step is used to define how the guest environment should be prepared so that the tests can be successfully executed. The :ref:`/spec/plans/prepare/install` plugin provides an easy way to install required or recommended packages from disk and from the official distribution or copr repositories. Use the :ref:`/spec/plans/prepare/ansible` plugin for applying custom playbooks or execute :ref:`/spec/plans/prepare/shell` scripts to perform arbitrary preparation tasks. Use the ``order`` attribute to select in which order the preparation should happen if there are multiple configs. Default order is ``50``. For installation of required packages gathered from the :ref:`/spec/tests/require` attribute of individual tests order ``70`` is used, for recommended packages it is ``75``. The Dist-git prepare happens before those, with order ``60``. .. note:: If you want to use the ``prepare`` step to generate data files needed for testing during the ``execute`` step, move or copy them into ``${TMT_PLAN_DATA}`` directory. Only files in this directory are guaranteed to be preserved. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Install fresh packages from a custom copr repository prepare: - how: install copr: psss/tmt package: tmt+all # Install required packages and start the service prepare: - name: packages how: install package: [httpd, curl] - name: service how: shell script: systemctl start httpd .. _/spec/plans/prepare/ansible: ansible ::::::: Apply ansible playbook to get the desired final state. One or more playbooks can be provided as a list under the ``playbook`` attribute. Each of them will be applied using ``ansible-playbook`` in the given order. The path must be relative to the metadata tree root. Use ``extra-args`` attribute to enable optional arguments for ``ansible-playbook``. Remote playbooks can be referenced as well as the local ones, and both kinds can be used at the same time. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml prepare: how: ansible playbook: - playbooks/common.yml - playbooks/os/rhel7.yml - https://foo.bar/rhel7-final-touches.yml extra-args: '-vvv' **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `/tmt/steps/provision `_ * Verified by `/tests/prepare/ansible `_ .. _/spec/plans/prepare/feature: feature ::::::: Easily enable and disable common features The ``feature`` plugin provides a comfortable way to enable and disable some commonly used functionality. As for now enabling and disabling the ``epel`` repository is supported, ``crb`` and ``fips`` are coming in the near future. .. versionadded:: 1.31 **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml prepare: how: feature epel: enabled **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `/tmt/steps/prepare/feature `_ * Verified by `/tests/prepare/feature `_ .. _/spec/plans/prepare/install: install ::::::: Install packages on the guest One or more RPM packages can be specified under the ``package`` attribute. The packages will be installed on the guest. They can either be specified using their names, paths to local rpm files or urls to remote rpms. Additionally, the ``directory`` attribute can be used to install all packages from the given directory. Copr repositories can be enabled using the ``copr`` attribute. Use the ``exclude`` option to skip selected packages from installation (globbing characters are supported as well). It's possible to change the behaviour when a package is missing using the ``missing`` attribute. The missing packages can either be silently ignored ('skip') or a preparation error is thrown ('fail'), which is the default behaviour. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Install local rpms using file path prepare: how: install package: - tmp/RPMS/noarch/tmt-0.15-1.fc31.noarch.rpm - tmp/RPMS/noarch/python3-tmt-0.15-1.fc31.noarch.rpm .. code-block:: yaml # Install remote packages using url prepare: how: install package: - https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm - https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-next-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm .. code-block:: yaml # Install the whole directory, exclude selected packages prepare: how: install directory: - tmp/RPMS/noarch exclude: - tmt+all - tmt+provision-virtual .. code-block:: yaml # Enable copr repository, skip missing packages prepare: how: install # Repository with a group owner (@ prefixed) requires quotes, e.g. # copr: "@osci/rpminspect" copr: psss/tmt package: tmt-all missing: skip **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `/tmt/steps/provision `_ * Verified by `/tests/prepare/install `_ .. _/spec/plans/prepare/shell: shell ::::: Prepare system using shell (bash) commands Execute arbitrary shell commands to set up the system. Default shell options are applied to the script, see the :ref:`/spec/tests/test` key specification for more details. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml prepare: how: shell script: dnf install -y httpd **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `/tmt/steps/provision `_ .. _/spec/plans/prepare/where: where ::::: Apply preparation on selected guests In the :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/multihost` scenarios it is often necessary to perform different preparation tasks on individual guests. The ``where`` key allows to select guests where the preparation should be applied by providing their ``name`` or the ``role`` they play in the scenario. Use a list to specify multiple names or roles. By default, when the ``where`` key is not defined, preparation is done on all provisioned guests. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Start Apache on the server prepare: - how: shell script: systemctl start httpd where: server # Apply common setup on the primary server and all replicas prepare: - how: ansible playbook: common.yaml where: [primary, replica] **Status:** implemented, verified and documented * Implemented by `/tmt/steps `_ * Verified by `/tests/multihost/complete `_ * Verified by `/tests/multihost/web `_ * Verified by `/tests/multihost/corner-cases `_ * Documented by :ref:`guide` .. _/spec/plans/provision: provision ^^^^^^^^^ Provision a system for testing Describes what environment is needed for testing and how it should be provisioned. There are several provision plugins supporting multiple ways to provision the environment for testing, for example :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/virtual`, :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/container`, :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/connect`, :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/local` or :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/artemis`. See individual plugin documentation for details about supported options. As part of the provision step it is also possible to specify detailed hardware requirements for the testing environment. See the :ref:`/spec/hardware` specification section for details. As part of the provision step it is also possible to specify kickstart file used during the installation. See the :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/kickstart` specification section for details. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Provision a local virtual machine with the latest Fedora provision: how: virtual image: fedora .. _/spec/plans/provision/beaker: beaker :::::: Provision a machine in Beaker Reserve a machine from the Beaker pool using the ``mrack`` plugin. `mrack`__ is a multicloud provisioning library supporting multiple cloud services including Beaker. The following two files are used for configuration: /etc/tmt/mrack.conf for basic configuration /etc/tmt/provisioning-config.yaml configuration per supported provider Beaker installs distribution specified by the ``image`` key. If the image can not be translated using the ``provisioning-config.yaml`` file mrack passes the image value to Beaker hub and tries to request distribution based on the image value. This way we can bypass default translations and use desired distribution specified like the one in the example below. __ https://github.com/neoave/mrack .. versionadded:: 1.22 **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Use image name translation provision: how: beaker image: fedora .. code-block:: yaml # Specify the distro directly provision: how: beaker image: Fedora-37% .. code-block:: yaml # Set custom whiteboard description (added in 1.30) provision: how: beaker whiteboard: Just a smoke test for now **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `provision/beaker `_ * Verified by `/plans/provision/beaker `_ .. _/spec/plans/provision/connect: connect ::::::: Connect to a provisioned box Do not provision a new system. Instead, use provided authentication data to connect to a running machine. guest hostname or ip address of the box user user name to be used to log in, ``root`` by default become whether to run scripts with ``sudo``, ignored if user is already root, ``false`` by default password user password to be used to log in key path to the file with private key port use specific port to connect to **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Connect to existing box with username and password provision: how: connect guest: hostname or ip address user: username password: password .. code-block:: yaml # Connect with user ``fedora`` using a key, and use # ``sudo`` to run scripts provision: how: connect guest: hostname or ip address user: fedora become: true key: private-key-path **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `provision/connect `_ .. _/spec/plans/provision/container: container ::::::::: Provision a container Download (if necessary) and start a new container using podman or docker. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Use the fedora:latest image provision: how: container image: fedora:latest .. code-block:: yaml # Use an image with a non-root user with sudo privileges, # and run scripts with sudo. provision: how: container image: image with non-root user with sudo privileges user: tester become: true **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `provision/container `_ .. _/spec/plans/provision/local: local ::::: Use the localhost for testing Do not provision any system. Tests will be executed directly on the localhost. Note that for some actions like installing additional packages you need root permission or enabled sudo. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml provision: how: local **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `provision/local `_ * Verified by `/tests/init/base `_ .. _/spec/plans/provision/multihost: multihost ::::::::: Multihost testing specification .. versionchanged:: 1.24 As a part of the provision step it is possible to request multiple guests to be provisioned for testing. Each guest has to be assigned a unique ``name`` which is used to identify it. The optional parameter ``role`` can be used to mark related guests so that common actions can be applied to all such guests at once. An example role name can be `client` or `server` but arbitrary identifier can be used. Both `name` and `role` can be used together with the ``where`` key to select guests on which the :ref:`preparation` tasks should be applied or where the test :ref:`execution` should take place. See :ref:`/spec/plans/guest-topology` for details on how this information is exposed to tests and ``prepare`` and ``finish`` tasks. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Request two guests provision: - name: server how: virtual - name: client how: virtual # Assign role to guests provision: - name: main-server role: primary - name: backup-one role: replica - name: backup-two role: replica - name: tester-one role: client - name: tester-two role: client **Status:** implemented and verified * Implemented by `/tmt/steps/__init__.py `_ * Implemented by `/tmt/queue.py `_ * Verified by `/tests/multihost `_ .. _/spec/plans/provision/openstack: openstack ::::::::: Provision a virtual machine in OpenStack .. note:: This is a draft, the story is not implemented yet. Create a virtual machine using OpenStack. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml provision: how: openstack image: f31 **Status:** idea .. _/spec/plans/provision/virtual: virtual ::::::: Provision a virtual machine (default) Create a new virtual machine on the localhost using testcloud (libvirt). Testcloud takes care of downloading an image and making necessary changes to it for optimal experience (such as disabling UseDNS and GSSAPI for SSH). **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Provision a fedora virtual machine provision: how: virtual image: fedora .. code-block:: yaml # Provision a virtual machine from a specific QCOW2 file, # using specific memory and disk settings, using the fedora user, # and using sudo to run scripts. provision: how: virtual image: https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/39/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-39-1.5.x86_64.qcow2 user: fedora become: true # in MB memory: 2048 # in GB disk: 30 **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `provision/virtual `_ .. _/spec/plans/provision/artemis: artemis ::::::: Provision a guest via an Artemis service Reserve a machine using the Artemis service. Users can specify many requirements, mostly regarding the desired OS, RAM, disk size and more. Most of the HW specifications defined in the :ref:`/spec/hardware` are supported. Including the :ref:`/spec/plans/provision/kickstart`. Artemis takes machines from AWS, OpenStack, Beaker or Azure. By default, Artemis handles the selection of a cloud provider to its best abilities and the required specification. However, it is possible to specify the keyword ``pool`` and select the desired cloud provider. Artemis project: https://gitlab.com/testing-farm/artemis .. note:: When used together with TF infrastructure some of the options from the first example below will be filled for you by the TF service. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml provision: how: artemis # Specify the Artemis URL where the service is running. # Here is an example of a local Artemis instance api-url: "" api-version: "0.0.56" image: Fedora-37 # ssh key used to connect to the machine keyname: master-key .. code-block:: yaml provision: how: artemis # How long (seconds) to wait for guest provisioning to complete provision-timeout: 300 # How often (seconds) check Artemis API for provisioning status provision-tick: 40 # How long (seconds) to wait for API operations to complete api-timeout: 15 # How many attempts to use when talking to API api-retries: 5 # How long (seconds) before the guest "is-alive" watchdog is dispatched watchdog-dispatch-delay: 200 # How often (seconds) check that the guest "is-alive" watchdog-period-delay : 500 .. code-block:: yaml provision: how: artemis arch: x86_64 pool: beaker hardware: # Pick a guest with at least 8 GB RAM memory: ">= 8 GB" **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `provision/artemis `_ * Implemented by `/tmt/schemas/provision/artemis.yaml `_ .. _/spec/plans/provision/kickstart: kickstart ::::::::: *As a tester I want to specify detailed installation of a guest using the kickstart script.* .. note:: This is a draft, the story is not implemented yet. As part of the :ref:`/spec/plans/provision` step it is possible to use the ``kickstart`` key to specify additional requirements for the installation of a guest. It is possible to specify a kickstart script that will for example specify specific partitioning. The structure of a kickstart file is separated into several sections. pre-install Corresponds to the ``%pre`` section of a file. It can contain ``bash`` commands, this part is run before the installation of a guest. post-install Corresponds to the ``%post`` section of a file. It can contain ``bash`` commands, this part is run after the installation of a guest. script Contains the kickstart specific commands that are run during the installation of a guest. It is also possible to specify ``metadata``. This part may be interpreted differently for each of the pools that the guest is created from. For example, in Beaker this section can be used to modify the default kickstart template used by Beaker. Similarly works the ``kernel-options`` and ``kernel-options-post``. Kernel options are passed on the kernel command line when the installer is booted. Post-install kernel options are set in the boot loader configuration, to be passed on the kernel command line after installation. .. note:: The implementation for the ``kickstart`` key is in progress. Support of a kickstart file is currently limited to Beaker provisioning, as implemented by tmt's beaker and artemis plugins, and may not be fully supported by other provisioning plugins in the future. Check individual plugin documentation for additional information on the kickstart support. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Use the artemis plugin to provision a guest from Beaker. # The following `kickstart` specification will be run # during the guest installation. provision: how: artemis pool: beaker image: rhel-7 kickstart: pre-install: | %pre --log=/dev/console disk=$(lsblk | grep disk | awk '{print $1}') echo $disk %end script: | lang en_US.UTF-8 zerombr clearpart --all --initlabel part /boot --fstype="xfs" --size=200 part swap --fstype="swap" --size=4096 part / --fstype="xfs" --size=10000 --grow post-install: | %post systemctl disable firewalld %end metadata: | "no-autopart harness=restraint" kernel-options: "ksdevice=eth1" kernel-options-post: "quiet" **Status:** idea .. _/spec/plans/report: report ^^^^^^ Report test results *As a tester I want to have a nice overview of results once the testing if finished.* Report test results according to user preferences. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Enabled a minimal smoke test execute: script: foo --version # Run tier one tests in a container discover: how: fmf filter: tier:1 provision: how: container execute: how: tmt # Verify that apache can serve pages summary: Basic httpd smoke test provision: how: virtual memory: 4096 prepare: - name: packages how: install package: [httpd, curl] - name: service how: shell script: systemctl start httpd execute: how: shell script: - echo foo > /var/www/html/index.html - curl http://localhost/ | grep foo .. _/spec/plans/report/display: display ::::::: Show results in the terminal window *As a tester I want to see test results in the plain text form in my shell session.* Test results will be displayed as part of the command line tool output directly in the terminal. Allows to select the desired level of verbosity **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml tmt run -l report # overall summary only tmt run -l report -v # individual test results tmt run -l report -vv # show full paths to logs tmt run -l report -vvv # provide complete test output **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `report/display `_ .. _/spec/plans/report/file: file :::: .. note:: This is a draft, the story is not implemented yet. Save the report into a ``report.yaml`` file with the following format: .. code-block:: yaml result: OVERALL_RESULT plans: /plan/one: result: PLAN_RESULT tests: /test/one: result: TEST_RESULT log: - LOG_PATH /test/two: result: TEST_RESULT log: - LOG_PATH - LOG_PATH - LOG_PATH /plan/two: result: PLAN_RESULT /test/one: result: TEST_RESULT log: - LOG_PATH Where ``OVERALL_RESULT`` is the overall result of all plan results. It is counted the same way as ``PLAN_RESULT``. Where ``TEST_RESULT`` is the same as in `execute`_ step definition: * info - test finished and produced only information message * passed - test finished and passed * failed - test finished and failed * error - a problem encountered during test execution Note the priority of test results is as written above, with ``info`` having the lowest priority and ``error`` has the highest. This is important for ``PLAN_RESULT``. Where ``PLAN_RESULT`` is the overall result or all test results for the plan run. It has the same values as ``TEST_RESULT``. Plan result is counted according to the priority of the test outcome values. For example: * if the test results are info, passed, passed - the plan result will be passed * if the test results are info, passed, failed - the plan result will be failed * if the test results are failed, error, passed - the plan result will be error Where ``LOG_PATH`` is the test log output path, relative to the execute step plan run directory. The ``log`` key will be a list of such paths, even if there is just a single log. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Enabled a minimal smoke test execute: script: foo --version # Run tier one tests in a container discover: how: fmf filter: tier:1 provision: how: container execute: how: tmt # Verify that apache can serve pages summary: Basic httpd smoke test provision: how: virtual memory: 4096 prepare: - name: packages how: install package: [httpd, curl] - name: service how: shell script: systemctl start httpd execute: how: shell script: - echo foo > /var/www/html/index.html - curl http://localhost/ | grep foo **Status:** idea .. _/spec/plans/report/html: html :::: Generate a web page with test results *As a tester I want to review results in a nicely arranged web page with links to detailed test output.* Create a local ``html`` file with test results arranged in a table. Optionally open the page in the default browser. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Enable html report from the command line tmt run --all report --how html tmt run --all report --how html --open tmt run -l report -h html -o # Use html as the default report for given plan report: how: html open: true **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `report/html `_ .. _/spec/plans/report/junit: junit ::::: Generate a JUnit report file *As a tester I want to review results in a JUnit xml file.* Create a JUnit file ``junit.xml`` with test results. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Enable junit report from the command line tmt run --all report --how junit tmt run --all report --how junit --file test.xml # Use junit as the default report for given plan report: how: junit file: test.xml **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `report/junit `_ .. _/spec/plans/report/polarion: polarion :::::::: Generate an xUnit file and export it into Polarion *As a tester I want to review tests in Polarion and have all results linked to existing test cases there.* Write test results into an xUnit file and upload to Polarion. In order to get quickly started create a pylero config file ``~/.pylero`` in your home directory with the following content: .. code-block:: ini [webservice] url=https://{your polarion web URL}/polarion svn_repo=https://{your polarion web URL}/repo default_project={your project name} user={your username} password={your password} See the `Pylero Documentation`__ for more details on how to configure the ``pylero`` module. __ https://github.com/RedHatQE/pylero .. note:: Your Polarion project might need a custom value format for the ``arch``, ``planned-in`` and other fields. The format of these fields might differ across Polarion projects, for example, ``x8664`` can be used instead of ``x86_64`` for the architecture. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Enable polarion report from the command line tmt run --all report --how polarion --project-id tmt tmt run --all report --how polarion --project-id tmt --no-upload --file test.xml .. code-block:: yaml # Use polarion as the default report for given plan report: how: polarion file: test.xml project-id: tmt title: tests_that_pass planned-in: RHEL-9.1.0 pool-team: sst_tmt **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `report/polarion `_ .. _/spec/plans/report/reportportal: reportportal :::::::::::: Report test results to a ReportPortal instance *As a tester I want to review results in a nicely arranged web page, filter them via context attributes and get links to detailed test output and other test information.* Provide test results and fmf data per each plan, and send it to a Report Portal instance via its API with token, url and project name given. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Optionally set environment variables according to TMT_PLUGIN_REPORT_REPORTPORTAL_${OPTION} export TMT_PLUGIN_REPORT_REPORTPORTAL_URL=${url-to-RP-instance} export TMT_PLUGIN_REPORT_REPORTPORTAL_TOKEN=${token-from-RP-profile} .. code-block:: yaml # Enable ReportPortal report from the command line depending on the use case: ## Simple upload with all project, url endpoint and user token passed in command line tmt run --all report --how reportportal --project=baseosqe --url="https://reportportal.xxx.com" --token="abc...789" ## Simple upload with url and token exported in environment variable tmt run --all report --how reportportal --project=baseosqe ## Upload with project name in fmf data, filtering out parameters (environment variables) that tend to be unique and break the history aggregation tmt run --all report --how reportportal --exclude-variables="^(TMT|PACKIT|TESTING_FARM).*" ## Upload all plans as suites into one ReportPortal launch tmt run --all report --how reportportal --suite-per-plan --launch=Errata --launch-description="..." ## Rerun the launch with suite structure for the test results to be uploaded into the latest launch with the same name as a new 'Retry' tab (mapping based on unique paths) tmt run --all report --how reportportal --suite-per-plan --launch=Errata --launch-rerun ## Rerun the tmt run and append the new result logs under the previous one uploaded in ReportPortal (precise mapping) tmt run --id run-012 --all report --how reportportal --again ## Additional upload of new suites into given launch with suite structure tmt run --all report --how reportportal --suite-per-plan --upload-to-launch=4321 ## Additional upload of new tests into given launch with non-suite structure tmt run --all report --how reportportal --launch-per-plan --upload-to-launch=1234 ## Additional upload of new tests into given suite tmt run --all report --how reportportal --upload-to-suite=123456 ## Upload Idle tests, then execute it and add result logs into prepared empty tests tmt run discover report --how reportportal --defect-type=Idle tmt run --last --all report --how reportportal --again .. code-block:: yaml # Use ReportPortal as the default report for given plan report: how: reportportal project: baseosqe # Report context attributes for given plan context: ... .. code-block:: yaml # Report description, contact, id and environment variables for given test summary: ... contact: ... id: ... environment: ... **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `report/reportportal `_ .. _/spec/plans/summary: summary ^^^^^^^ Concise summary describing the plan Should shortly describe purpose of the test plan. Must be a one-line ``string``, should be up to 50 characters long. It is challenging to be both concise and descriptive, but that is what a well-written summary should do. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml /pull-request: /pep: summary: All code must comply with the PEP8 style guide /lint: summary: Run pylint to catch common problems (no gating) /build: /smoke: summary: Basic smoke test (Tier1) /features: summary: Verify important features **Status:** implemented * Implemented by `/tmt/base.py `_ .. _/spec/plans/import: Import Plans ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Importing plans from a remote repository *As a user I want to reference a plan from a remote repository in order to prevent duplication and minimize maintenance.* In some cases the configuration stored in a plan can be quite large, for example the :ref:`/spec/plans/prepare` step can define complex scripts to set up the guest for testing. Using a reference to a remote plan makes it possible to reuse the same config on multiple places without the need to duplicate the information. This can be useful for example when enabling integration testing between related components. Remote plans are identified by the ``plan`` key which must contain an ``import`` dictionary with an `fmf identifier`__ of the remote plan. The ``url`` and ``name`` keys have to be defined, ``ref`` and ``path`` are optional. Only one remote plan can be referenced and a full plan ``name`` must be used (no string matching is applied). Additionally, one can utilize dynamic ``ref`` assignment when importing a plan in order to avoid hardcoding ``ref`` value in the importing plan. See the :ref:`dynamic-ref` section for usage details and examples. Plan steps must not be defined in the remote plan reference. Inheriting or overriding remote plan config with local plan steps might be possible in the future but currently is not supported. The imported plan can be modified in only two ways. First way is via environment variables. Variables defined in the plan override any variables defined in the remote plan. The imported plan can also be altered using the ``enabled`` key. If the local plan is enabled, it will follow the status of the remote plan – whether it's enabled or disabled. If the local plan is disabled, the remote plan will also be disabled. Adjust rules are respected during this process. .. versionadded:: 1.19 __ https://fmf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concept.html#identifiers **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Minimal reference is using 'url' and 'name' plan: import: url: https://github.com/teemtee/tmt name: /plans/features/basic .. code-block:: yaml # A 'ref' can be used to select specific branch or commit plan: import: url: https://github.com/teemtee/tmt name: /plans/features/basic ref: fedora .. code-block:: yaml # Use 'path' when fmf tree is deeper in the git repository plan: import: url: https://github.com/teemtee/tmt path: /examples/httpd name: /smoke **Status:** implemented and verified * Relates to `https://github.com/teemtee/tmt/issues/975 `_ * Verified by `/tests/plan/import `_ * Implemented by `/tmt/base.py `_ .. _/spec/plans/results: Results Format ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Define format of on-disk storage of results The following text defines a YAML file structure tmt uses for storing results. tmt itself will use it when saving results of ``execute`` step, and custom test results are required to follow it when creating their ``results.yaml`` file. Tests may choose JSON instead of YAML for their custom results file and create ``results.json`` file, but tmt itself will always stick to YAML, the final results would be provided in ``results.yaml`` file in any case. Results are saved as a single list of dictionaries, each describing a single test result. .. code-block:: # String, name of the test. name: /test/one # fmf ID of the test. fmf_id: url: http://some.git.host.com/project/tests.git name: /test/one path: / # String, outcome of the test execution. result: "pass"|"fail"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"skip" # String, optional comment to report with the result. note: "Things were great." # List of strings, paths to file logs. log: - path/to/log1 - path/to/log1 ... # Mapping, collection of various test IDs, if there are any to track. ids: some-id: foo another-id: bar # String, when the test started, in an ISO 8601 format. start-time: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmmm+ZZ:ZZ" # String, when the test finished, in an ISO 8601 format. end-time: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmmm+ZZ:ZZ" # String, how long did the test run. duration: hh:mm:ss # Integer, serial number of the test in the sequence of all tests of a plan. serial-number: 1 # Mapping, describes the guest on which the test was executed. guest: name: client-1 role: clients # String, path to /data directory storing possible test artifacts data-path: path/to/test/data # Mapping, stores the actual fmf context defined for this test. # It's a combination of the context provided via command line # and plan's `context` key. context: some-dimension: - its-value another-dimension: - first-value - second-value ... # Represents results of all test checks executed as driven by test's `check` # key. Fields have the same meaning as fields of the "parent" test result, but # relate to each check alone. check: # String, outcome of the test execution. - result: "pass"|"fail"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"skip" # String, optional comment to report with the result. note: "Things were great." # List of strings, paths to file logs. log: - path/to/check/log1 - path/to/check/log1 ... # String, when the check started, in an ISO 8601 format. start-time: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmmm+ZZ:ZZ" # String, when the check finished, in an ISO 8601 format. end-time: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmmm+ZZ:ZZ" # String, how long did the check run. duration: hh:mm:ss # String, name of the check. Corresponds to the name of the check # specified in test metadata. name: dummy # String, the place in test workflow when the check was executed. event: "before-test"|"after-test" The ``result`` key can have the following values: pass Test execution successfully finished and passed. info Test finished but only produced an informational message. Represents a soft pass, used for tests with the :ref:`/spec/tests/result` attribute set to ``info``. Automation must treat this as a passed test. warn A problem appeared during test execution which does not affect test results but might be worth checking and fixing. For example test cleanup phase failed. Automation must treat this as a failed test. error Undefined problem encountered during test execution. Human inspection is needed to investigate whether it was a test bug, infrastructure error or a real test failure. Automation must treat it as a failed test. fail Test execution successfully finished and failed. skip Test was discovered but not executed. Can be used when a single process produces multiple results but not all tests were run. The ``name`` and ``result`` keys are required. Also, ``name``, ``result``, and ``event`` keys are required for entries under ``check`` key. Custom result files may omit all other keys, although tmt plugins will strive to provide as many keys as possible. When importing the :ref:`custom results file `, each test name referenced in the file by the ``name`` key would be prefixed by the original test name. A special case, ``name: /``, sets the result for the original test itself. The ``log`` key must list **relative** paths. Paths in the custom results file are treated as relative to ``${TMT_TEST_DATA}`` path. Paths in the final results file, saved by the execute step, will be relative to the location of the results file itself. The first ``log`` item is considered to be the "main" log, presented to the user by default. The ``serial-number``, ``guest`` and ``fmf_id`` keys, if present in the custom results file, will be overwritten by tmt during their import after test completes. This happens on purpose, to assure this vital information is correct. Similarly, the ``duration``, ``start-time`` and ``end-time`` keys, if present in the special custom result, representing the original test itself - ``name: /`` -, will be overwritten by tmt with actual observed values. This also happens on purpose: while tmt cannot tell how long it took to produce various custom results, it is still able to report the duration of the whole test. The same applies to ``context``, tmt will set this key for the original test result in the custom result set to the value known to tmt. See also the complete `JSON schema`__. For custom results files in JSON format, the same rules and schema apply. .. versionchanged:: 1.30 fmf context is now saved within results, in the ``context`` key. __ https://github.com/teemtee/tmt/blob/main/tmt/schemas/results.yaml **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # Example content of results.yaml - name: /test/passing result: pass serial-number: 1 log: - pass_log start-time: "2023-03-10T09:44:14.439120+00:00" end-time: "2023-03-10T09:44:24.242227+00:00" duration: 00:00:09 note: good result ids: extra-nitrate: some-nitrate-id guest: name: default-0 - name: /test/failing result: fail serial-number: 2 log: - fail_log - another_log start-time: "2023-03-10T09:44:14.439120+00:00" end-time: "2023-03-10T09:44:24.242227+00:00" duration: 00:00:09 note: fail result guest: name: default-0 .. code-block:: yaml # Example content of custom results file - name: /test/passing result: pass log: - pass_log duration: 00:11:22 note: good result ids: extra-nitrate: some-nitrate-id - name: /test/failing result: fail log: - fail_log - another_log duration: 00:22:33 note: fail result .. code-block:: yaml # Example of a perfectly valid, yet stingy custom results file - name: /test/passing result: pass - name: /test/failing result: fail .. code-block:: yaml # Example of test check results - name: /test/passing result: pass serial-number: 1 log: - pass_log start-time: "2023-03-10T09:44:14.439120+00:00" end-time: "2023-03-10T09:44:24.242227+00:00" duration: 00:00:09 note: good result ids: extra-nitrate: some-nitrate-id guest: name: default-0 check: - name: abrt event: after-test result: pass log: [] note: - name: kernel-panic event: after-test result: pass log: [] note: .. code-block:: j /* Example content of custom results.json */ [ { "name": "/test/passing", "result": "pass", "log": ["pass_log"], "duration": "00:11:22", "note": "good result" } ] **Status:** implemented and verified * Verified by `/tests/execute/result `_ * Implemented by `/tmt/result.py `_ .. _/spec/plans/guest-topology: Guest Topology Format ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Define format of on-disk description of provisioned guest topology The following text defines structure of files tmt uses for exposing guest names, roles and other properties to tests and steps that run on a guest (:ref:`prepare `, :ref:`execute `, :ref:`finish `). tmt saves these files on every guest used, and exposes their paths to processes started by tmt on these guests through environment variables: * ``TMT_TOPOLOGY_YAML`` for a YAML file * ``TMT_TOPOLOGY_BASH`` for a shell-friendly ``NAME=VALUE`` file Both files are always available, and both carry the same information. .. warning:: The shell-friendly file contains arrays, therefore it's compatible with Bash 4.x and newer. .. note:: The shell-friendly file is easy to ingest for a shell-based tests, it can be simply ``source``-ed. For parsing the YAML file in shell, pure shell parsers like https://github.com/sopos/yash can be used. .. code-block:: yaml :caption: TMT_TOPOLOGY_YAML # Guest on which the test or script is running. guest: name: ... role: ... hostname: ... # List of names of all provisioned guests. guest-names: - guest1 - guest2 ... # Same as `guest`, but one for each provisioned guest, with guest names # as keys. guests: guest1: name: guest1 role: ... hostname: ... guest2: name: guest2 role: ... hostname: ... ... # List of all known roles. role-names: - role1 - role2 ... # Roles and their guests, with role names as keys. roles: role1: - guest1 - guest2 - ... role2: - guestN ... .. code-block:: bash :caption: TMT_TOPOLOGY_BASH # Guest on which the test is running. declare -A TMT_GUEST TMT_GUEST[name]="..." TMT_GUEST[role]="..." TMT_GUEST[hostname]="..." # Space-separated list of names of all provisioned guests. TMT_GUEST_NAMES="guest1 guest2 ..." # Same as `guest`, but one for each provisioned guest. Keys are constructed # from guest name and the property name. declare -A TMT_GUESTS TMT_GUESTS[guest1.name]="guest1" TMT_GUESTS[guest1.role]="..." TMT_GUESTS[guest1.hostname]="..." TMT_GUESTS[guest2.name]="guest2" TMT_GUESTS[guest2.role]="..." TMT_GUESTS[guest2.hostname]="..." ... # Space-separated list of all known roles. TMT_ROLE_NAMES="client server" # Roles and their guests, with role names as keys. declare -A TMT_ROLES TMT_ROLES[role1]="guest1 guest2 ..." TMT_ROLES[role2]="guestN ..." ... **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml # A trivial pseudo-test script . "$TMT_TOPOLOGY_BASH" echo "I'm running on ${TMT_GUEST[name]}" **Status:** implemented and verified * Verified by `/tests/multihost/complete `_ * Implemented by `/tmt/steps/__init__.py `_