tmt.steps.provision package


tmt.steps.provision.artemis module

class tmt.steps.provision.artemis.ArtemisAPI(guest: GuestArtemis)

Bases: object

create(path: str, data: dict[str, Any], request_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Response

Create - or request creation of - a resource.

  • path – API path to contact.

  • data – optional key/value data to send with the request.

  • request_kwargs – optional request options, as supported by requests library.

delete(path: str, request_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Response

Delete - or request removal of - a resource.

  • path – API path to contact.

  • request_kwargs – optional request options, as supported by requests library.

inspect(path: str, params: dict[str, Any] | None = None, request_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Response

Inspect a resource.

  • path – API path to contact.

  • params – optional key/value query parameters.

  • request_kwargs – optional request options, as supported by requests library.

query(path: str, method: str = 'get', request_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Response

Base helper for Artemis API queries.

Trivial dispatcher per method, returning retrieved response.

  • path – API path to contact.

  • method – HTTP method to use.

  • request_kwargs – optional request options, as supported by requests library.

class tmt.steps.provision.artemis.ArtemisGuestData(_OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, user: str = 'root', key: list[str] = <factory>, password: Optional[str] = None, ssh_option: list[str] = <factory>, api_url: str = '', api_version: str = '0.0.69', arch: str = 'x86_64', image: Optional[str] = None, pool: Optional[str] = None, priority_group: str = 'default-priority', keyname: str = 'default', user_data: dict[str, str] = <factory>, kickstart: dict[str, str] = <factory>, log_type: list[str] = <factory>, guestname: Optional[str] = None, provision_timeout: int = 600, provision_tick: int = 60, api_timeout: int = 10, api_retries: int = 10, api_retry_backoff_factor: int = 1, watchdog_dispatch_delay: Optional[int] = None, watchdog_period_delay: Optional[int] = None, skip_prepare_verify_ssh: bool = False, post_install_script: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: GuestSshData

api_retries: int = 10
api_retry_backoff_factor: int = 1
api_timeout: int = 10
api_url: str = ''
api_version: str = '0.0.69'
arch: str = 'x86_64'
guestname: str | None = None
image: str | None = None
keyname: str = 'default'
kickstart: dict[str, str]
log_type: list[str]
pool: str | None = None
post_install_script: str | None = None
priority_group: str = 'default-priority'
provision_tick: int = 60
provision_timeout: int = 600
skip_prepare_verify_ssh: bool = False
user: str = 'root'
user_data: dict[str, str]
watchdog_dispatch_delay: int | None = None
watchdog_period_delay: int | None = None
exception tmt.steps.provision.artemis.ArtemisProvisionError(message: str, response: Response | None = None, request_data: dict[str, Any] | None = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: ProvisionError

Artemis provisioning error.

For some provisioning errors, we can provide more context.

General error.

  • message – error message.

  • causes – optional list of exceptions that caused this one. Since raise ... from ... allows only for a single cause, and some of our workflows may raise exceptions triggered by more than one exception, we need a mechanism for storing them. Our reporting will honor this field, and report causes the same way as __cause__.

class tmt.steps.provision.artemis.GuestArtemis(*, data: GuestData, name: str | None = None, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: GuestSsh

Artemis guest instance

The following keys are expected in the ‘data’ dictionary:

Initialize guest data

api_retries: int
api_retry_backoff_factor: int
api_timeout: int
api_url: str
api_version: str
arch: str
cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
guestname: str | None
image: str
property is_ready: bool

Detect the guest is ready or not

keyname: str
kickstart: dict[str, str]
log_type: list[str]
pool: str | None
post_install_script: str | None
priority_group: str
provision_tick: int
provision_timeout: int
remove() None

Remove the guest

skip_prepare_verify_ssh: bool
start() None

Start the guest

Get a new guest instance running. This should include preparing any configuration necessary to get it started. Called after load() is completed so all guest data should be available.

user_data: dict[str, str]
watchdog_dispatch_delay: int | None
watchdog_period_delay: int | None
class tmt.steps.provision.artemis.GuestInspectType

Bases: TypedDict

address: str | None
state: str
class tmt.steps.provision.artemis.ProvisionArtemis(*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ProvisionPlugin[ProvisionArtemisData]

Provision guest using Artemis backend.

Minimal configuration could look like this:

    how: artemis
    image: Fedora


The actual value of image depends on what images - or “composes” as Artemis calls them - supports and can deliver.


The api-url can be also given via TMT_PLUGIN_PROVISION_ARTEMIS_API_URL environment variable.

Full configuration example:

    how: artemis

    # Artemis API
    api-version: 0.0.32

    # Mandatory environment properties
    image: Fedora

    # Optional environment properties
    arch: aarch64
    pool: optional-pool-name

    # Provisioning process control (optional)
    priority-group: custom-priority-group
    keyname: custom-SSH-key-name

    # Labels to be attached to guest request (optional)
        foo: bar

    # Timeouts and deadlines (optional)
    provision-timeout: 3600
    provision-tick: 10
    api-timeout: 600
    api-retries: 5
    api-retry-backoff-factor: 1

Store plugin name, data and parent step

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
go() None

Provision the guest

guest() GuestArtemis | None

Return the provisioned guest

class tmt.steps.provision.artemis.ProvisionArtemisData(name: str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, _OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, port: Optional[int] = None, user: str = 'root', key: list[str] = <factory>, password: Optional[str] = None, ssh_option: list[str] = <factory>, api_url: str = '', api_version: str = '0.0.69', arch: str = 'x86_64', image: Optional[str] = None, pool: Optional[str] = None, priority_group: str = 'default-priority', keyname: str = 'default', user_data: dict[str, str] = <factory>, kickstart: dict[str, str] = <factory>, log_type: list[str] = <factory>, guestname: Optional[str] = None, provision_timeout: int = 600, provision_tick: int = 60, api_timeout: int = 10, api_retries: int = 10, api_retry_backoff_factor: int = 1, watchdog_dispatch_delay: Optional[int] = None, watchdog_period_delay: Optional[int] = None, skip_prepare_verify_ssh: bool = False, post_install_script: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: ArtemisGuestData, ProvisionStepData

tmt.steps.provision.connect module

class tmt.steps.provision.connect.ConnectGuestData(_OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, user: str = 'root', key: list[str] = <factory>, password: Optional[str] = None, ssh_option: list[str] = <factory>, guest: Optional[str] = None, soft_reboot: Optional[tmt.utils.ShellScript] = None, hard_reboot: Optional[tmt.utils.ShellScript] = None)

Bases: GuestSshData

classmethod from_plugin(container: ProvisionConnect) ConnectGuestData

Create guest data from plugin and its current configuration

guest: str | None = None
hard_reboot: ShellScript | None = None
soft_reboot: ShellScript | None = None
user: str = 'root'
class tmt.steps.provision.connect.GuestConnect(*, data: GuestData, name: str | None = None, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: GuestSsh

Initialize guest data

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
hard_reboot: ShellScript | None
reboot(hard: bool = False, command: Command | ShellScript | None = None, timeout: int | None = None, tick: float = 30.0, tick_increase: float = 1.0) bool

Reboot the guest, and wait for the guest to recover.

  • hard – if set, force the reboot. This may result in a loss of data. The default of False will attempt a graceful reboot.

  • command – a command to run on the guest to trigger the reboot. If not set, plugin would try to use ConnectGuestData.soft_reboot or ConnectGuestData.hard_reboot (--soft-reboot and --hard-reboot, respectively), if specified. Unlike command, these would be executed on the runner, not on the guest.

  • timeout – amount of time in which the guest must become available again.

  • tick – how many seconds to wait between two consecutive attempts of contacting the guest.

  • tick_increase – a multiplier applied to tick after every attempt.


True if the reboot succeeded, False otherwise.

soft_reboot: ShellScript | None
start() None

Start the guest

class tmt.steps.provision.connect.ProvisionConnect(*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ProvisionPlugin[ProvisionConnectData]

Connect to a provisioned guest using SSH.

Private key authentication:

    how: connect
    user: root
    key: /home/psss/.ssh/example_rsa

Password authentication:

    how: connect
    user: root
    password: secret

User defaults to root, so if you have private key correctly set the minimal configuration can look like this:

    how: connect

Store plugin name, data and parent step

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
go() None

Prepare the connection

guest() GuestSsh | None

Return the provisioned guest

class tmt.steps.provision.connect.ProvisionConnectData(name: str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, _OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, port: Optional[int] = None, user: str = 'root', key: list[str] = <factory>, password: Optional[str] = None, ssh_option: list[str] = <factory>, guest: Optional[str] = None, soft_reboot: Optional[tmt.utils.ShellScript] = None, hard_reboot: Optional[tmt.utils.ShellScript] = None)

Bases: ConnectGuestData, ProvisionStepData

tmt.steps.provision.local module

class tmt.steps.provision.local.GuestLocal(*, data: GuestData, name: str | None = None, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: Guest

Local Host

Initialize guest data

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
execute(command: Command | ShellScript, cwd: Path | None = None, env: Environment | None = None, friendly_command: str | None = None, test_session: bool = False, tty: bool = False, silent: bool = False, log: LoggingFunction | None = None, interactive: bool = False, on_process_start: Callable[[Command, Popen[bytes], Logger], None] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) CommandOutput

Execute command on localhost

property is_ready: bool

Local is always ready

localhost = True
pull(source: Path | None = None, destination: Path | None = None, options: list[str] | None = None, extend_options: list[str] | None = None) None

Nothing to be done to pull workdir

push(source: Path | None = None, destination: Path | None = None, options: list[str] | None = None, superuser: bool = False) None

Nothing to be done to push workdir

reboot(hard: bool = False, command: Command | ShellScript | None = None, timeout: int | None = None) bool

Reboot the guest, return True if successful

start() None

Start the guest

stop() None

Stop the guest

class tmt.steps.provision.local.ProvisionLocal(*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ProvisionPlugin[ProvisionLocalData]

Use local host for test execution.


In general it is not recommended to run tests on your local machine as there might be security risks. Run only those tests which you know are safe so that you don’t destroy your laptop ;-)

Example config:

    how: local

Note that tmt run is expected to be executed under a regular user. If there are admin rights required (for example in the prepare step) you might be asked for a sudo password.

Store plugin name, data and parent step

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
go() None

Provision the container

guest() GuestLocal | None

Return the provisioned guest

class tmt.steps.provision.local.ProvisionLocalData(name: str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, _OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>)

Bases: GuestData, ProvisionStepData

tmt.steps.provision.mrack module

tmt.steps.provision.mrack.BEAKER: Any
class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.BeakerAPI(guest: GuestBeaker)

Bases: object

Initialize the API class with defaults and load the config

create(data: dict[str, Any]) Any

Create - or request creation of - a resource using mrack up.


data – optional key/value data to send with the request.

delete() Any

Delete - or request removal of - a resource

dsp_name: str = 'Beaker'
inspect() Any

Inspect a resource (kinda wait till provisioned)

mrack_requirement: dict[str, Any] = {}
class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.BeakerGuestData(_OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, user: str = 'root', key: list[str] = <factory>, password: Optional[str] = None, ssh_option: list[str] = <factory>, whiteboard: Optional[str] = None, arch: str = 'x86_64', image: Optional[str] = 'fedora', job_id: Optional[str] = None, provision_timeout: int = 3600, provision_tick: int = 60, api_session_refresh_tick: int = 3600)

Bases: GuestSshData

api_session_refresh_tick: int = 3600
arch: str = 'x86_64'
image: str | None = 'fedora'
job_id: str | None = None
provision_tick: int = 60
provision_timeout: int = 3600
user: str = 'root'
whiteboard: str | None = None
tmt.steps.provision.mrack.BeakerProvider: Any
tmt.steps.provision.mrack.BeakerTransformer: Any
tmt.steps.provision.mrack.DEFAULT_API_SESSION_REFRESH = 3600

How often Beaker session should be refreshed to pick up up-to-date Kerberos ticket.

class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.GuestBeaker(*, data: GuestData, name: str | None = None, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: GuestSsh

Beaker guest instance

Initialize guest data

property api: BeakerAPI

Create BeakerAPI leveraging mrack

api_session_refresh_tick: int
arch: str
cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
hardware: Hardware | None = None
image: str = 'fedora-latest'
property is_ready: bool

Check if provisioning of machine is done

job_id: str | None
provision_tick: int
provision_timeout: int
reboot(hard: bool = False, command: Command | ShellScript | None = None, timeout: int | None = None, tick: float = 30.0, tick_increase: float = 1.0) bool

Reboot the guest, and wait for the guest to recover.

  • hard – if set, force the reboot. This may result in a loss of data. The default of False will attempt a graceful reboot.

  • command – a command to run on the guest to trigger the reboot. If not set, plugin would try to use bkr system-power for hard reboot. Unlike command, this would be executed on the runner, not on the guest.

  • timeout – amount of time in which the guest must become available again.

  • tick – how many seconds to wait between two consecutive attempts of contacting the guest.

  • tick_increase – a multiplier applied to tick after every attempt.


True if the reboot succeeded, False otherwise.

remove() None

Remove the guest

start() None

Start the guest

Get a new guest instance running. This should include preparing any configuration necessary to get it started. Called after load() is completed so all guest data should be available.

stop() None

Stop the guest

whiteboard: str | None
class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.GuestInspectType

Bases: TypedDict

address: str | None
status: str
system: str
class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackBaseHWElement(name: str)

Bases: object

Base for Mrack hardware requirement elements

name: str
to_mrack() dict[str, Any]

Convert the element to Mrack-compatible dictionary tree

class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackHWAndGroup(name: str = 'and', children: list[tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackBaseHWElement] = <factory>)

Bases: MrackHWGroup

Represents <and/> element

name: str = 'and'
class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackHWBinOp(name: str, operator: str, value: str)

Bases: MrackHWElement

An element describing a binary operation, a “check”

class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackHWElement(name: str, attributes: dict[str, str] = <factory>)

Bases: MrackBaseHWElement

An element with name and attributes.

This type of element is not allowed to have any child elements.

attributes: dict[str, str]
to_mrack() dict[str, Any]

Convert the element to Mrack-compatible dictionary tree

class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackHWGroup(name: str, children: list[tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackBaseHWElement] = <factory>)

Bases: MrackBaseHWElement

An element with child elements.

This type of element is not allowed to have any attributes.

children: list[tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackBaseHWElement]
to_mrack() dict[str, Any]

Convert the element to Mrack-compatible dictionary tree

class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackHWKeyValue(name: str, operator: str, value: str)

Bases: MrackHWElement

A key-value element

class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackHWNotGroup(name: str = 'not', children: list[tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackBaseHWElement] = <factory>)

Bases: MrackHWGroup

Represents <not/> element

name: str = 'not'
class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackHWOrGroup(name: str = 'or', children: list[tmt.steps.provision.mrack.MrackBaseHWElement] = <factory>)

Bases: MrackHWGroup

Represents <or/> element

name: str = 'or'
tmt.steps.provision.mrack.NotAuthenticatedError: Any
class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.ProvisionBeaker(*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ProvisionPlugin[ProvisionBeakerData]

Provision guest on Beaker system using mrack.

Minimal configuration could look like this:

    how: beaker
    image: fedora

Store plugin name, data and parent step

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
go() None

Provision the guest

guest() GuestBeaker | None

Return the provisioned guest

wake(data: BeakerGuestData | None = None) None

Wake up the plugin, process data, apply options

class tmt.steps.provision.mrack.ProvisionBeakerData(name: str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, _OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, port: Optional[int] = None, user: str = 'root', key: list[str] = <factory>, password: Optional[str] = None, ssh_option: list[str] = <factory>, whiteboard: Optional[str] = None, arch: str = 'x86_64', image: Optional[str] = 'fedora', job_id: Optional[str] = None, provision_timeout: int = 3600, provision_tick: int = 60, api_session_refresh_tick: int = 3600)

Bases: BeakerGuestData, ProvisionStepData

tmt.steps.provision.mrack.ProvisioningError: Any
tmt.steps.provision.mrack.TmtBeakerTransformer: Any
tmt.steps.provision.mrack.async_run(func: Any) Any

Decorate click actions to run as async

tmt.steps.provision.mrack.constraint_to_beaker_filter(constraint: BaseConstraint, logger: Logger) MrackBaseHWElement

Convert a hardware constraint into a Mrack-compatible filter

tmt.steps.provision.mrack.import_and_load_mrack_deps(workdir: Any, name: str, logger: Logger) None

Import mrack module only when needed

tmt.steps.provision.mrack.mrack: Any
tmt.steps.provision.mrack.operator_to_beaker_op(operator: Operator, value: str) tuple[str, str, bool]

Convert constraint operator to Beaker “op”.

  • operator – operator to convert.

  • value – value operator works with. It shall be a string representation of the the constraint value, as converted for the Beaker job XML.


tuple of three items: Beaker operator, fit for op attribute of XML filters, a value to go with it instead of the input one, and a boolean signalizing whether the filter, constructed by the caller, should be negated.

tmt.steps.provision.mrack.providers: Any

tmt.steps.provision.podman module

class tmt.steps.provision.podman.GuestContainer(*, data: GuestData, name: str | None = None, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: Guest

Container Instance

Initialize guest data

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
container: str | None
execute(command: Command | ShellScript, cwd: Path | None = None, env: Environment | None = None, friendly_command: str | None = None, test_session: bool = False, tty: bool = False, silent: bool = False, log: LoggingFunction | None = None, interactive: bool = False, on_process_start: Callable[[Command, Popen[bytes], Logger], None] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) CommandOutput

Execute given commands in podman via shell

force_pull: bool
image: str | None
property is_ready: bool

Detect the guest is ready or not

logger: Logger
podman(command: Command, silent: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) CommandOutput

Run given command via podman

pull(source: Path | None = None, destination: Path | None = None, options: list[str] | None = None, extend_options: list[str] | None = None) None

Nothing to be done to pull workdir

pull_attempts: int
pull_image() None

Pull image if not available or pull forced

pull_interval: int
push(source: Path | None = None, destination: Path | None = None, options: list[str] | None = None, superuser: bool = False) None

Make sure that the workdir has a correct selinux context

reboot(hard: bool = False, command: Command | ShellScript | None = None, timeout: int | None = None) bool

Restart the container, return True if successful

remove() None

Remove the container

start() None

Start provisioned guest

stop() None

Stop provisioned guest

stop_time: int
user: str
wake() None

Wake up the guest

class tmt.steps.provision.podman.PodmanGuestData(_OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, image: str = 'fedora', user: str = 'root', force_pull: bool = False, container: Optional[str] = None, network: Optional[str] = None, pull_attempts: int = 5, pull_interval: int = 5, stop_time: int = 1)

Bases: GuestData

container: str | None = None
force_pull: bool = False
image: str = 'fedora'
network: str | None = None
pull_attempts: int = 5
pull_interval: int = 5
stop_time: int = 1
user: str = 'root'
class tmt.steps.provision.podman.ProvisionPodman(*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ProvisionPlugin[ProvisionPodmanData]

Create a new container using podman.

Example config:

    how: container
    image: fedora:latest

In order to always pull the fresh container image use pull: true.

In order to run the container with different user as the default root, use user: USER.

Store plugin name, data and parent step

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
default(option: str, default: Any = None) Any

Return default data for given option

go() None

Provision the container

guest() GuestContainer | None

Return the provisioned guest

class tmt.steps.provision.podman.ProvisionPodmanData(name: str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, _OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, image: str = 'fedora', user: str = 'root', force_pull: bool = False, container: Optional[str] = None, network: Optional[str] = None, pull_attempts: int = 5, pull_interval: int = 5, stop_time: int = 1)

Bases: PodmanGuestData, ProvisionStepData

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud module

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.AArch64ArchitectureConfiguration: Any
tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.BOOT_TIMEOUT: int = 120

How many seconds to wait for a VM to start. This is the effective value, combining the default and optional envvar, TMT_BOOT_TIMEOUT.

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.CONNECT_TIMEOUT: int = 120

How many seconds to wait for a connection to succeed after guest boot. This is the effective value, combining the default and optional envvar, TMT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT.

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.DEFAULT_BOOT_TIMEOUT: int = 120

How many seconds to wait for a VM to start. This is the default value tmt would use unless told otherwise.

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 120

How many seconds to wait for a connection to succeed after guest boot. This is the default value tmt would use unless told otherwise.

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.DomainConfiguration: Any
class tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.GuestTestcloud(*, data: GuestData, name: str | None = None, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: GuestSsh

Testcloud Instance

The following keys are expected in the ‘data’ dictionary:

image ...... qcov image name or url
user ....... user name to log in
memory ..... memory size for vm
disk ....... disk size for vm
connection . either session (default) or system, to be passed to qemu
arch ....... architecture for the VM, host arch is the default

Initialize guest data

arch: str
cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
connection: str
disk: Size | None
image: str
image_url: str | None
instance_name: str | None
property is_ready: bool

Detect guest is ready or not

memory: Size | None
prepare_config() None

Prepare common configuration

prepare_ssh_key(key_type: str | None = None) None

Prepare ssh key for authentication

reboot(hard: bool = False, command: Command | ShellScript | None = None, timeout: int | None = None, tick: float = 30.0, tick_increase: float = 1.0) bool

Reboot the guest, return True if successful

remove() None

Remove the guest (disk cleanup)

start() None

Start provisioned guest

stop() None

Stop provisioned guest

wake() None

Wake up the guest

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.NON_KVM_TIMEOUT_COEF = 10

How many times should the timeouts be multiplied in kvm-less cases. These include emulating a different architecture than the host, some nested virtualization cases, and hosts with degraded virt caps.

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.Ppc64leArchitectureConfiguration: Any
class tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.ProvisionTestcloud(*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ProvisionPlugin[ProvisionTestcloudData]

Local virtual machine using testcloud library.

Minimal config which uses the latest Fedora image:

    how: virtual

Here’s a full config example:

    how: virtual
    image: fedora
    user: root
    memory: 2048

As the image use fedora for the latest released Fedora compose, fedora-rawhide for the latest Rawhide compose, short aliases such as fedora-32, f-32 or f32 for specific release or a full url to the qcow2 image for example from

Short names are also provided for centos, centos-stream, alma, rocky, oracle, debian and ubuntu (e.g. centos-8 or c8).


The non-rpm distros are not fully supported yet in tmt as the package installation is performed solely using dnf/yum and rpm. But you should be able the login to the provisioned guest and start experimenting. Full support is coming in the future :)

Supported Fedora CoreOS images are:

  • fedora-coreos

  • fedora-coreos-stable

  • fedora-coreos-testing

  • fedora-coreos-next

Use the full path for images stored on local disk, for example:


In addition to the qcow2 format, Vagrant boxes can be used as well, testcloud will take care of unpacking the image for you.

Store plugin name, data and parent step

classmethod clean_images(clean: Clean, dry: bool) bool

Remove the testcloud images

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
go() None

Provision the testcloud instance

guest() Guest | None

Return the provisioned guest

class tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.ProvisionTestcloudData(name: str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, _OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, port: Optional[int] = None, user: str = 'root', key: list[str] = <factory>, password: Optional[str] = None, ssh_option: list[str] = <factory>, image: str = 'fedora', memory: Optional[ForwardRef('Size')] = None, disk: Optional[ForwardRef('Size')] = None, connection: str = 'session', arch: str = 'x86_64', list_local_images: bool = False, image_url: Optional[str] = None, instance_name: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: TestcloudGuestData, ProvisionStepData

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.QCow2StorageDevice: Any
tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.RawStorageDevice: Any
tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.S390xArchitectureConfiguration: Any
tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.SystemNetworkConfiguration: Any
tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.TPMConfiguration: Any
tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.TPM_CONFIG_ALLOWS_VERSIONS: bool = False

If set, testcloud TPM configuration accepts TPM version as a parameter.

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.TPM_VERSION_ALLOWED_OPERATORS: tuple[tmt.hardware.Operator, ...] = (<Operator.EQ: '=='>, <Operator.GTE: '>='>, <Operator.LTE: '<='>)

List of operators supported for tpm.version HW requirement.

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.TPM_VERSION_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = {False: ['2.0', '2'], True: ['2.0', '2', '1.2']}

TPM versions supported by the plugin. The key is TPM_CONFIG_ALLOWS_VERSIONS.

class tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.TestcloudGuestData(_OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: Optional[str] = None, topology_address: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, become: bool = False, facts: tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, hardware: Optional[tmt.hardware.Hardware] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, user: str = 'root', key: list[str] = <factory>, password: Optional[str] = None, ssh_option: list[str] = <factory>, image: str = 'fedora', memory: Optional[ForwardRef('Size')] = None, disk: Optional[ForwardRef('Size')] = None, connection: str = 'session', arch: str = 'x86_64', list_local_images: bool = False, image_url: Optional[str] = None, instance_name: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: GuestSshData

arch: str = 'x86_64'
connection: str = 'session'
disk: Size | None = None
image: str = 'fedora'
image_url: str | None = None
instance_name: str | None = None
list_local_images: bool = False
memory: Size | None = None
show(*, keys: list[str] | None = None, verbose: int = 0, logger: Logger) None

Display guest data in a nice way.

  • keys – if set, only these keys would be shown.

  • verbose – desired verbosity. Some fields may be omitted in low verbosity modes.

  • logger – logger to use for logging.

user: str = 'root'
tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.UserNetworkConfiguration: Any
tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.X86_64ArchitectureConfiguration: Any
tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.import_testcloud() None

Import testcloud module only when needed

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.normalize_disk_size(key_address: str, value: Any, logger: Logger) Size | None

Normalize disk size.

As of now, it’s just a simple integer with implicit unit, GB.

tmt.steps.provision.testcloud.normalize_memory_size(key_address: str, value: Any, logger: Logger) Size | None

Normalize memory size.

As of now, it’s just a simple integer with implicit unit, MB.

Module contents

tmt.steps.provision.BASE_SSH_OPTIONS: list[Union[str, tmt.utils.Path]] = ['-oForwardX11=no', '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-oConnectionAttempts=5', '-oConnectTimeout=60', '-oServerAliveInterval=5', '-oServerAliveCountMax=60']

Base SSH options. This is the base set of SSH options tmt would use for all SSH connections. It is a combination of the default SSH options and those provided by environment variables.

class tmt.steps.provision.CheckRsyncOutcome(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

ALREADY_INSTALLED = 'already-installed'
INSTALLED = 'installed'
tmt.steps.provision.DEFAULT_REBOOT_COMMAND = <tmt.utils.Command object>

A default command to trigger a guest reboot when executed remotely.

tmt.steps.provision.DEFAULT_REBOOT_TIMEOUT: int = 600

How many seconds to wait for a connection to succeed after guest reboot. This is the default value tmt would use unless told otherwise.

tmt.steps.provision.DEFAULT_SSH_OPTIONS: list[Union[str, tmt.utils.Path]] = ['-oForwardX11=no', '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-oConnectionAttempts=5', '-oConnectTimeout=60', '-oServerAliveInterval=5', '-oServerAliveCountMax=60']

Default SSH options. This is the default set of SSH options tmt would use for all SSH connections.

class tmt.steps.provision.Guest(*, data: GuestData, name: str | None = None, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: Common

Guest provisioned for test execution

A base class for guest-like classes. Provides some of the basic methods and functionality, but note some of the methods are left intentionally empty. These do not have valid implementation on this level, and it’s up to Guest subclasses to provide one working in their respective infrastructure.

The following keys are expected in the ‘data’ container:

role ....... guest role in the multihost scenario
guest ...... name, hostname or ip address
become ..... boolean, whether to run shell scripts in tests, prepare, and finish with sudo

These are by default imported into instance attributes.

Initialize guest data

ansible(playbook: Path, extra_args: str | None = None, friendly_command: str | None = None, log: LoggingFunction | None = None, silent: bool = False) None

Run an Ansible playbook on the guest.

A wrapper for _run_ansible() which is reponsible for running the playbook while this method makes sure our logging is consistent.

  • playbook – path to the playbook to run.

  • extra_args – aditional arguments to be passed to ansible-playbook via --extra-args.

  • friendly_command – if set, it would be logged instead of the command itself, to improve visibility of the command in logging output.

  • log – a logging function to use for logging of command output. By default, logger.debug is used.

  • silent – if set, logging of steps taken by this function would be reduced.

become: bool
cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
classmethod essential_requires() list[Union[tmt.base.DependencySimple, tmt.base.DependencyFmfId, tmt.base.DependencyFile]]

Collect all essential requirements of the guest.

Essential requirements of a guest are necessary for the guest to be usable for testing.


a list of requirements.

execute(command: ShellScript, cwd: Path | None = None, env: Environment | None = None, friendly_command: str | None = None, test_session: bool = False, tty: bool = False, silent: bool = False, log: LoggingFunction | None = None, interactive: bool = False, on_process_start: Callable[[Command, Popen[bytes], Logger], None] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) CommandOutput
execute(command: Command, cwd: Path | None = None, env: Environment | None = None, friendly_command: str | None = None, test_session: bool = False, tty: bool = False, silent: bool = False, log: LoggingFunction | None = None, interactive: bool = False, on_process_start: Callable[[Command, Popen[bytes], Logger], None] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) CommandOutput

Execute a command on the guest.

  • command – either a command or a shell script to execute.

  • cwd – if set, execute command in this directory on the guest.

  • env – if set, set these environment variables before running the command.

  • friendly_command – nice, human-friendly representation of the command.

property facts: GuestFacts
hardware: Hardware | None
property is_ready: bool

Detect guest is ready or not

load(data: GuestData) None

Load guest data into object attributes for easy access

Called during guest object initialization. Takes care of storing all supported keys (see class attribute _keys for the list) from provided data to the guest object attributes. Child classes can extend it to make additional guest attributes easily available.

Data dictionary can contain guest information from both command line options / L2 metadata / user configuration and wake up data stored by the save() method below.

localhost = False

Return guest’s multihost name, i.e. name and its role

classmethod options(how: str | None = None) list[Callable[[Any], Any]]

Prepare command line options related to guests

primary_address: str | None = None

Primary hostname or IP address for tmt/guest communication.

pull(source: Path | None = None, destination: Path | None = None, options: list[str] | None = None, extend_options: list[str] | None = None) None

Pull files from the guest

push(source: Path | None = None, destination: Path | None = None, options: list[str] | None = None, superuser: bool = False) None

Push files to the guest

reboot(hard: bool = False, command: Command | ShellScript | None = None, timeout: int | None = None) bool

Reboot the guest, return True if successful

Parameter ‘hard’ set to True means that guest should be rebooted by way which is not clean in sense that data can be lost. When set to False reboot should be done gracefully.

Use the ‘command’ parameter to specify a custom reboot command instead of the default ‘reboot’.

Parameter ‘timeout’ can be used to specify time (in seconds) to wait for the guest to come back up after rebooting.

reconnect(timeout: int | None = None, tick: float = 5, tick_increase: float = 1.0) bool

Ensure the connection to the guest is working

The default timeout is 5 minutes. Custom number of seconds can be provided in the timeout parameter. This may be useful when long operations (such as system upgrade) are performed.

remove() None

Remove the guest

Completely remove all guest instance data so that it does not consume any disk resources.

role: str | None
save() GuestData

Save guest data for future wake up

Export all essential guest data into a dictionary which will be stored in the guests.yaml file for possible future wake up of the guest. Everything needed to attach to a running instance should be added into the data dictionary by child classes.

setup() None

Setup the guest

Setup the guest after it has been started. It is called after Guest.start().

show(show_multihost_name: bool = True) None

Show guest details such as distro and kernel

start() None

Start the guest

Get a new guest instance running. This should include preparing any configuration necessary to get it started. Called after load() is completed so all guest data should be available.

stop() None

Stop the guest

Shut down a running guest instance so that it does not consume any memory or cpu resources. If needed, perform any actions necessary to store the instance status to disk.

topology_address: str | None = None

Guest topology hostname or IP address for guest/guest communication.

wake() None

Wake up the guest

Perform any actions necessary after step wake up to be able to attach to a running guest instance and execute commands. Called after load() is completed so all guest data should be prepared.

class tmt.steps.provision.GuestCapability(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Various Linux capabilities

SYSLOG_ACTION_READ_ALL = 'syslog-action-read-all'

Read all messages remaining in the ring buffer.

SYSLOG_ACTION_READ_CLEAR = 'syslog-action-read-clear'

Read and clear all messages remaining in the ring buffer.

class tmt.steps.provision.GuestData(_OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: str | None = None, topology_address: str | None = None, role: str | None = None, become: bool = False, facts: ~tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, hardware: ~tmt.hardware.Hardware | None = None)

Bases: SerializableContainer

Keys necessary to describe, create, save and restore a guest.

Very basic set of keys shared across all known guest classes.

become: bool = False
facts: GuestFacts
classmethod from_plugin(container: ProvisionPlugin[ProvisionStepDataT]) GuestDataT

Create guest data from plugin and its current configuration

hardware: Hardware | None = None
classmethod options() Iterator[tuple[str, str]]

Iterate over option names.

Based on keys(), but skips fields that cannot be set by options.


two-item tuples, a key and corresponding option name.

primary_address: str | None = None

Primary hostname or IP address for tmt/guest communication.

role: str | None = None
show(*, keys: list[str] | None = None, verbose: int = 0, logger: Logger) None

Display guest data in a nice way.

  • keys – if set, only these keys would be shown.

  • verbose – desired verbosity. Some fields may be omitted in low verbosity modes.

  • logger – logger to use for logging.

topology_address: str | None = None

Guest topology hostname or IP address for guest/guest communication.

class tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts(in_sync: bool = False, arch: str | None = None, distro: str | None = None, kernel_release: str | None = None, package_manager: tmt.package_managers.GuestPackageManager | None = None, has_selinux: bool | None = None, is_superuser: bool | None = None, capabilities: dict[tmt.steps.provision.GuestCapability, bool] = <factory>, os_release_content: dict[str, str] = <factory>, lsb_release_content: dict[str, str] = <factory>)

Bases: SerializableContainer

Contains interesting facts about the guest.

Inspired by Ansible or Puppet facts, interesting guest facts tmt discovers while managing the guest are stored in this container, plus the code performing the discovery of these facts.

arch: str | None = None
capabilities: dict[tmt.steps.provision.GuestCapability, bool]

Various Linux capabilities and whether they are permitted to commands executed on this guest.

distro: str | None = None
format() Iterator[tuple[str, str, str]]

Format facts for pretty printing.


three-item tuples: the field name, its pretty label, and formatted representation of its value.

has_capability(cap: GuestCapability) bool
has_selinux: bool | None = None
in_sync: bool = False

Set to True by the first call to sync().

is_superuser: bool | None = None
kernel_release: str | None = None
lsb_release_content: dict[str, str]
os_release_content: dict[str, str]
package_manager: tmt.package_managers.GuestPackageManager | None = None
sync(guest: Guest) None

Update stored facts to reflect the given guest

class tmt.steps.provision.GuestSsh(*, data: GuestData, name: str | None = None, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: Guest

Guest provisioned for test execution, capable of accepting SSH connections

The following keys are expected in the ‘data’ dictionary:

role ....... guest role in the multihost scenario (inherited)
guest ...... hostname or ip address (inherited)
become ..... run shell scripts in tests, prepare, and finish with sudo (inherited)
port ....... port to connect to
user ....... user name to log in
key ........ path to the private key (str or list)
password ... password

These are by default imported into instance attributes.

Initialize guest data

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
execute(command: Command | ShellScript, cwd: Path | None = None, env: Environment | None = None, friendly_command: str | None = None, test_session: bool = False, tty: bool = False, silent: bool = False, log: LoggingFunction | None = None, interactive: bool = False, on_process_start: Callable[[Command, Popen[bytes], Logger], None] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) CommandOutput

Execute a command on the guest.

  • command – either a command or a shell script to execute.

  • cwd – execute command in this directory on the guest.

  • env – if set, set these environment variables before running the command.

  • friendly_command – nice, human-friendly representation of the command.

property is_ready: bool

Detect guest is ready or not

key: list[tmt.utils.Path]
password: str | None
perform_reboot(command: Callable[[], CommandOutput], timeout: int | None = None, tick: float = 30.0, tick_increase: float = 1.0, hard: bool = False) bool

Perform the actual reboot and wait for the guest to recover.

  • command – a callable running the actual command triggering the reboot.

  • timeout – amount of time in which the guest must become available again.

  • tick – how many seconds to wait between two consecutive attempts of contacting the guest.

  • tick_increase – a multiplier applied to tick after every attempt.


True if the reboot succeeded, False otherwise.

port: int | None
pull(source: Path | None = None, destination: Path | None = None, options: list[str] | None = None, extend_options: list[str] | None = None) None

Pull files from the guest

By default the whole plan workdir is synced from the same location on the guest. Use the ‘source’ and ‘destination’ to sync custom location, the ‘options’ parameter to modify default options DEFAULT_RSYNC_PULL_OPTIONS and ‘extend_options’ to extend them (e.g. by exclude).

push(source: Path | None = None, destination: Path | None = None, options: list[str] | None = None, superuser: bool = False) None

Push files to the guest

By default the whole plan workdir is synced to the same location on the guest. Use the ‘source’ and ‘destination’ to sync custom location and the ‘options’ parametr to modify default options which are ‘-Rrz –links –safe-links –delete’.

Set ‘superuser’ if rsync command has to run as root or passwordless sudo on the Guest (e.g. pushing to r/o destination)

reboot(hard: bool = False, command: Command | ShellScript | None = None, timeout: int | None = None, tick: float = 30.0, tick_increase: float = 1.0) bool

Reboot the guest, and wait for the guest to recover.

  • hard – if set, force the reboot. This may result in a loss of data. The default of False will attempt a graceful reboot.

  • command – a command to run on the guest to trigger the reboot.

  • timeout – amount of time in which the guest must become available again.

  • tick – how many seconds to wait between two consecutive attempts of contacting the guest.

  • tick_increase – a multiplier applied to tick after every attempt.


True if the reboot succeeded, False otherwise.

remove() None

Remove the guest

Completely remove all guest instance data so that it does not consume any disk resources.

setup() None

Setup the guest

Setup the guest after it has been started. It is called after Guest.start().

ssh_option: list[str]
stop() None

Stop the guest

Shut down a running guest instance so that it does not consume any memory or cpu resources. If needed, perform any actions necessary to store the instance status to disk.

user: str | None
class tmt.steps.provision.GuestSshData(_OPTIONLESS_FIELDS: tuple[str, ...] = ('primary_address', 'topology_address', 'facts'), primary_address: str | None = None, topology_address: str | None = None, role: str | None = None, become: bool = False, facts: ~tmt.steps.provision.GuestFacts = <factory>, hardware: ~tmt.hardware.Hardware | None = None, port: int | None = None, user: str | None = None, key: list[str] = <factory>, password: str | None = None, ssh_option: list[str] = <factory>)

Bases: GuestData

Keys necessary to describe, create, save and restore a guest with SSH capability.

Derived from GuestData, this class adds keys relevant for guests that can be reached over SSH.

key: list[str]
password: str | None = None
port: int | None = None
ssh_option: list[str]
user: str | None = None
class tmt.steps.provision.Provision(*, plan: Plan, data: _RawStepData | list[tmt.steps._RawStepData], logger: Logger)

Bases: Step

Provision an environment for testing or use localhost.

Initialize provision step data

DEFAULT_HOW: str = 'virtual'
cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
cli_invocations: list['tmt.cli.CliInvocation'] = []
go(force: bool = False) None

Provision all guests

guests() list[tmt.steps.provision.Guest]

Return the list of all provisioned guests

property is_multihost: bool
load() None

Load guest data from the workdir

save() None

Save guest data to the workdir

summary() None

Give a concise summary of the provisioning

wake() None

Wake up the step (process workdir and command line)

class tmt.steps.provision.ProvisionPlugin(*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: GuestlessPlugin[ProvisionStepDataT]

Common parent of provision plugins

Store plugin name, data and parent step

classmethod base_command(usage: str, method_class: type[click.core.Command] | None = None) Command

Create base click command (common for all provision plugins)

classmethod clean_images(clean: Clean, dry: bool) bool

Remove the images of one particular plugin

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
essential_requires() list[Union[tmt.base.DependencySimple, tmt.base.DependencyFmfId, tmt.base.DependencyFile]]

Collect all essential requirements of the guest implementation.

Essential requirements of a guest are necessary for the guest to be usable for testing.

By default, plugin’s guest class, ProvisionPlugin._guest_class, is asked to provide the list of required packages via Guest.requires() method.


a list of requirements.

guest() Guest | None

Return provisioned guest

Each ProvisionPlugin has to implement this method. Should return a provisioned Guest() instance.

how: str = 'virtual'
opt(option: str, default: Any | None = None) Any

Get an option from the command line options

classmethod options(how: str | None = None) list[Callable[[Any], Any]]

Return list of options.

show(keys: list[str] | None = None) None

Show plugin details for given or all available keys

wake(data: GuestData | None = None) None

Wake up the plugin

Override data with command line options. Wake up the guest based on provided guest data.

class tmt.steps.provision.ProvisionQueue(name: str, logger: Logger)

Bases: Queue[ProvisionTask]

Queue class for running provisioning tasks

enqueue(*, phases: list[tmt.steps.provision.ProvisionPlugin[tmt.steps.provision.ProvisionStepData]], logger: Logger) None
class tmt.steps.provision.ProvisionStepData(name: str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: str | None = None, role: str | None = None, hardware: tmt.hardware.Hardware | None = None)

Bases: StepData

hardware: Hardware | None = None
role: str | None = None
class tmt.steps.provision.ProvisionTask(logger: Logger, result: TaskResultT | None, guest: Guest | None, exc: Exception | None, requested_exit: SystemExit | None, phases: list[tmt.steps.provision.ProvisionPlugin[tmt.steps.provision.ProvisionStepData]], phase: ProvisionPlugin[ProvisionStepData] | None = None)

Bases: GuestlessTask[None]

A task to run provisioning of multiple guests

go() Iterator[ProvisionTask]

Perform the task.

Called by Queue machinery to accomplish the task. It expects the child class would implement run(), with go taking care of task/queue interaction.


since the task is not expected to run on multiple guests, only a single instance of the class is yielded to describe the task and its outcome.

property name: str

A name of this task.

Left for child classes to implement, because the name depends on the actual task.

phase: ProvisionPlugin[ProvisionStepData] | None = None

When ProvisionTask instance is received from the queue, phase points to the phase that has been provisioned by the task.

phases: list[tmt.steps.provision.ProvisionPlugin[tmt.steps.provision.ProvisionStepData]]

Phases describing guests to provision. In the provision step, each phase describes one guest.

tmt.steps.provision.REBOOT_TIMEOUT: int = 600

How many seconds to wait for a connection to succeed after guest reboot. This is the effective value, combining the default and optional envvar, TMT_REBOOT_TIMEOUT.

tmt.steps.provision.STAT_BTIME_PATTERN = re.compile('btime\\s+(\\d+)')

A pattern to extract btime from /proc/stat file.

tmt.steps.provision.configure_ssh_options() list[Union[str, tmt.utils.Path]]

Extract custom SSH options from environment variables

tmt.steps.provision.format_guest_full_name(name: str, role: str | None) str

Render guest’s full name, i.e. name and its role

tmt.steps.provision.normalize_hardware(key_address: str, raw_hardware: Any | None, logger: Logger) Hardware | None

Normalize a hardware key value.

  • key_address – location of the key being that’s being normalized.

  • logger – logger to use for logging.

  • raw_hardware – input from either command line or fmf node.