:tocdepth: 0 .. _/plugins/test-checks: Test checks Plugins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _plugins/test-checks/avc: avc --- .. warning:: Please, be aware that the documentation below is a work in progress. We are working on fixing it, adding missing bits and generally making it better. Also, it was originally used for command line help only, therefore the formatting is often suboptional. Check for SELinux AVC denials raised during the test. The check collects SELinux AVC denials from the audit log, gathers details about them, and together with versions of the ``selinux-policy`` and related packages stores them in a report file after the test. .. code-block:: yaml check: - name: avc .. versionadded:: 1.28 Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Common Keys """"""""""" enabled: ``true|false`` Whether the check is enabled or not. Default: ``true`` ---- .. _plugins/test-checks/dmesg: dmesg ----- .. warning:: Please, be aware that the documentation below is a work in progress. We are working on fixing it, adding missing bits and generally making it better. Also, it was originally used for command line help only, therefore the formatting is often suboptional. Save the content of kernel ring buffer (aka "console") into a file. The check saves one file before the test, and then again when test finishes. .. code-block:: yaml check: - how: dmesg Check will identify patterns that signal kernel crashes and core dumps, and when detected, it will report as failed result. It is possible to define custom patterns: .. code-block:: yaml check: - how: dmesg failure-pattern: # These are default patterns - 'Call Trace: - '\ssegfault\s' # More patterns to look for - '\[Firmware Bug\]' .. versionadded:: 1.28 .. versionchanged:: 1.33 ``failure-pattern`` has been added. Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ failure-pattern: List of regular expressions to look for in ``dmesg`` output. If any of patterns is found, ``dmesg`` check will report ``fail`` result. Default: ``Call Trace:`` ``\ssegfault\s`` Common Keys """"""""""" enabled: ``true|false`` Whether the check is enabled or not. Default: ``true`` ---- .. _plugins/test-checks/watchdog: watchdog -------- .. warning:: Please, be aware that the documentation below is a work in progress. We are working on fixing it, adding missing bits and generally making it better. Also, it was originally used for command line help only, therefore the formatting is often suboptional. Take various actions when guest becomes unresponsive. Watchdog runs selected probes every now and then, and when a given number of `probes` fail, watchdog would run one or more of the predefined `actions`. Check comes with two probes, "ping" and "SSH ping", and single action, "reboot". * "ping" uses the classic ICMP echo to check whether the guest is still up and running, * "SSH ping" tries to establish SSH connection, * "reboot" action issues a hard reboot of the guest. Each probe has a "budget" of allowed failures, and when it runs out, the action is taken. A successful probe replenishes its budget to the original level. Multiple probes can be enabled at the same time, for the action to happen it's enough if just one of them runs out of its budget. .. code-block:: yaml check: - how: watchdog ping: true reboot: true .. code-block:: yaml check: - how: watchdog # Use only SSH ping. ping: false ssh-ping: true # Try every 5 minutes, allow 7 failed attempts, and reboot # the guest when we run out of attempts. interval: 300 reboot: true ssh-ping-threshold: 7 .. versionadded:: 1.32 Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ interval: How often should the watchdog run, in seconds. Default: ``60`` ping: ``true|false`` If enabled, watchdog would probe guest's responsiveness with ICMP packets. Default: ``false`` ping-packets: How many ICMP packates to send as one probe. Default: ``1`` ping-threshold: How many failed ping probes before taking any further action. Default: ``10`` reboot: ``true|false`` If enabled, watchdog would reboot the guest after enough failed probes. Default: ``false`` ssh-ping: ``true|false`` If enabled, watchdog would probe guest's responsiveness by connecting to its SSH port. Default: ``false`` ssh-ping-threshold: How many failed SSH connections before taking any further action. Default: ``10`` Common Keys """"""""""" enabled: ``true|false`` Whether the check is enabled or not. Default: ``true``