.. Please, do not edit this file, is is rendered from lint-checks.rst.j2, and all your changes would be overwritten. .. _lint-checks: Lint Checks ================================================================== In order to ensure that all configuration data are valid and aligned with the specification the ``lint`` command can be used. Below you can find the list of available checks. See the :ref:`lint` section for more details. Test checks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Check ID - * - ``C000`` - fmf node should pass the schema validation * - ``C001`` - summary key should be set and should be reasonably long * - ``T001`` - all keys are known * - ``T002`` - test script must be defined * - ``T003`` - test directory path must be absolute * - ``T004`` - test directory path must exist * - ``T005`` - relevancy has been obsoleted by adjust * - ``T006`` - coverage has been obsoleted by link * - ``T007`` - manual test path is not an actual path * - ``T008`` - manual test should be valid markdown * - ``T009`` - require fields should have type field Plan checks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Check ID - * - ``C000`` - fmf node should pass the schema validation * - ``C001`` - summary key should be set and should be reasonably long * - ``P001`` - all keys are known * - ``P002`` - execute step must be defined with "how" * - ``P003`` - execute step methods must be known * - ``P004`` - discover step methods must be known * - ``P005`` - remote fmf ids must be valid * - ``P006`` - phases must have unique names * - ``P007`` - step phases require existing guests and roles Story checks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Check ID - * - ``C000`` - fmf node should pass the schema validation * - ``C001`` - summary key should be set and should be reasonably long * - ``S001`` - all keys are known * - ``S002`` - story key must be defined