
Submodules module

class*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ReportPlugin[ReportDisplayData]

Show test results on the terminal.

Give a concise summary of test results directly on the terminal. List individual test results in verbose mode.

Store plugin name, data and parent step

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
details(result: Result, verbosity: int, display_guest: bool) None

Print result details.

  • result – a test result to display.

  • verbosity – how verbose should the report be. Generally equal to number of --verbose/-v options given on command line. For 1, display only test name and its result, 2 will add log paths, and 3 or more would show the test output as well.

  • display_guest – if set, guest multihost name would be part of the report.

go() None

Discover available tests

class str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: str | None = None, display_guest: str = 'auto')

Bases: ReportStepData

display_guest: str = 'auto' module

class*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ReportPlugin[ReportHtmlData]

Format test results into an HTML report.

Example config:

    how: html
    open: true

Store plugin name, data and parent step

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
go() None

Process results

prune(logger: Logger) None

Do not prune generated html report

class str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: str | None = None, open: bool = False, absolute_paths: bool = False, display_guest: str = 'auto')

Bases: ReportStepData

absolute_paths: bool = False
display_guest: str = 'auto'
open: bool = False module

class*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ReportPlugin[ReportJUnitData]

Save test results in JUnit format.

When file is not specified, output is written into a file named junit.xml located in the current workdir.

Store plugin name, data and parent step

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
go() None

Read executed tests and write junit

prune(logger: Logger) None

Do not prune generated junit report

class str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: str | None = None, file: tmt.utils.Path | None = None)

Bases: ReportStepData

file: Path | None = None str) int None) None

Convert valid duration string in to seconds None

Import junit_xml module only when needed ReportPlugin[ReportStepDataT]) Any

Create junit xml object module

class*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ReportPlugin[ReportPolarionData]

Write test results into an xUnit file and upload to Polarion.

Store plugin name, data and parent step

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
go() None

Go through executed tests and report into Polarion

prune(logger: Logger) None

Do not prune generated xunit report

class str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: str | None = None, file: tmt.utils.Path | None = None, upload: bool = True, project_id: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, template: str | None = None, use_facts: bool = False, planned_in: str | None = None, assignee: str | None = None, pool_team: str | None = None, arch: str | None = None, platform: str | None = None, build: str | None = None, sample_image: str | None = None, logs: str | None = None, compose_id: str | None = None, fips: bool = False)

Bases: ReportStepData

arch: str | None = None
assignee: str | None = None
build: str | None = None
compose_id: str | None = None
description: str | None = None
file: Path | None = None
fips: bool = False
logs: str | None = None
planned_in: str | None = None
platform: str | None = None
pool_team: str | None = None
project_id: str | None = None
sample_image: str | None = None
template: str | None = None
title: str | None = None
upload: bool = True
use_facts: bool = False module

class*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: ReportPlugin[ReportReportPortalData]

Report test results to a ReportPortal instance via API.

For communication with Report Portal API is neccessary to provide following options:

  • token for authentication

  • url of the ReportPortal instance

  • project name

In addition to command line options it’s possible to use environment variables:


Assuming the URL and token are provided by the environment variables, the plan config can look like this:

    how: reportportal
    project: baseosqe



Where the context and environment sections must be filled with corresponding data in order to report context as attributes (arch, component, distro, trigger, compose, etc.) and environment variables as parameters in the Item Details.

Other reported fmf data are summary, id, web link and contact per test.

There are supported two ways of mapping plans into ReportPortal

  • launch-per-plan (default) with reported structure ‘launch > test’, resulting in one or more launches.

  • suite-per-plan with reported structure ‘launch > suite > test’ resulting in one launch only, and one or more suites within. It is recommended to define launch name and launch description in addition.

Store plugin name, data and parent step

TMT_TO_RP_RESULT_STATUS = {<ResultOutcome.PASS: 'pass'>: 'PASSED', <ResultOutcome.FAIL: 'fail'>: 'FAILED', <ResultOutcome.ERROR: 'error'>: 'FAILED', <ResultOutcome.WARN: 'warn'>: 'FAILED', <ResultOutcome.INFO: 'info'>: 'SKIPPED'}
append_description(curr_description: str) str

Extend text with the launch description (if provided)

check_options() None

Write warning if there might be caused an unexpected behaviour by the option combinations

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
construct_launch_attributes(suite_per_plan: bool, attributes: list[dict[str, str]]) list[dict[str, str]]
get_defect_type_locator(session: Session, defect_type: str | None) str
get_headers() dict[str, str]
get_rp_api(session: Session, data_path: str) Response
get_url() str
go() None

Report test results to the endpoint

Create a ReportPortal launch and its test items, fill it with all parts needed and report the logs.

handle_response(response: Response) None

Check the endpoint response and raise an exception if needed.

time() str
class str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, launch: Optional[str] = None, launch_description: Optional[str] = None, launch_per_plan: bool = False, suite_per_plan: bool = False, upload_to_launch: Optional[str] = None, upload_to_suite: Optional[str] = None, launch_rerun: bool = False, defect_type: Optional[str] = None, exclude_variables: str = '^TMT_.*', api_version: str = 'v1', artifacts_url: Optional[str] = None, launch_url: Optional[str] = None, launch_uuid: Optional[str] = None, suite_uuid: Optional[str] = None, test_uuids: dict[int, str] = <factory>)

Bases: ReportStepData

api_version: str = 'v1'
artifacts_url: str | None = None
defect_type: str | None = None
exclude_variables: str = '^TMT_.*'
launch: str | None = None
launch_description: str | None = None
launch_per_plan: bool = False
launch_rerun: bool = False
launch_url: str | None = None
launch_uuid: str | None = None
project: str | None = None
suite_per_plan: bool = False
suite_uuid: str | None = None
test_uuids: dict[int, str]
token: str | None = None
upload_to_launch: str | None = None
upload_to_suite: str | None = None
url: str | None = None

Module contents

class*, plan: Plan, data: _RawStepData | list[tmt.steps._RawStepData] | None = None, name: str | None = None, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: Step

Provide test results overview and send reports.

Initialize and check the step data

DEFAULT_HOW: str = 'display'
cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
cli_invocations: list['tmt.cli.CliInvocation'] = []
go(force: bool = False) None

Report the results

summary() None

Give a concise report summary

wake() None

Wake up the step (process workdir and command line)

class*, step: Step, data: StepDataT, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: GuestlessPlugin[ReportStepDataT]

Common parent of report plugins

Store plugin name, data and parent step

classmethod base_command(usage: str, method_class: type[click.core.Command] | None = None) Command

Create base click command (common for all report plugins)

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
how: str = 'display'
class str, how: str, order: int = 50, summary: str | None = None)

Bases: StepData