tmt.libraries package


tmt.libraries.beakerlib module

class tmt.libraries.beakerlib.BeakerLib(*, identifier: DependencySimple | DependencyFmfId, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: Library

A beakerlib library

Takes care of fetching beakerlib libraries from remote repositories based on provided library identifier described in detail here:

Optional ‘parent’ object inheriting from tmt.utils.Common can be provided in order to share the cache of already fetched libraries.

The following attributes are available in the object:

repo …….. library prefix (git repository name or nick if provided) name …….. library suffix (folder containing the library code)

url ……… full git repository url ref ……… git revision (branch, tag or commit) dest …….. target folder into which the library repo is cloned

tree …….. fmf tree holding library metadata require ….. list of required packages recommend … list of recommended packages

Libraries are fetched into the ‘libs’ directory under parent’s workdir or into ‘destination’ if provided in the identifier.

Process the library identifier and fetch the library

fetch() None

Fetch the library (unless already fetched)

property fmf_node_path: Path

Path to fmf node

property hostname: str

Get hostname from url or default to local

class tmt.libraries.beakerlib.CommonWithLibraryCache(*, parent: CommonDerivedType | None = None, name: str | None = None, workdir: Literal[True] | Path | None = None, relative_indent: int = 1, cli_invocation: CliInvocation | None = None, logger: Logger, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: Common

Initialize name and relation with the parent object

Prepare the workdir for provided id / directory path or generate a new workdir name if workdir=True given. Store command line context and options for future use if context is provided.

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None

tmt.libraries.file module

class tmt.libraries.file.File(*, identifier: DependencyFile, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger, source_location: Path, target_location: Path)

Bases: Library

Required files

Takes care of copying required files for specific test or library, more details here:

Optional ‘parent’ object inheriting from tmt.utils.Common can be provided in order to share the cache of already fetched libraries.

The following attributes are available in the object:

repo …….. library prefix (git repository name or nick if provided) pattern ….. filename paths and regexes which need to be copied

Process the library identifier and fetch the library

fetch() None

Copy the files over to target location

Module contents

Handle libraries

class tmt.libraries.Library(*, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger)

Bases: object

General library class

Used as parent for specific libraries like beakerlib and file

Process the library identifier and fetch the library

property fmf_node_path: Path

Path to fmf node

property hostname: str

Get hostname from url or default to local

exception tmt.libraries.LibraryError

Bases: Exception

Used when library cannot be parsed from the identifier

tmt.libraries.dependencies(*, original_require: list[Union[tmt.base.DependencySimple, tmt.base.DependencyFmfId, tmt.base.DependencyFile]], original_recommend: list[Union[tmt.base.DependencySimple, tmt.base.DependencyFmfId, tmt.base.DependencyFile]] | None = None, parent: Common | None = None, imported_lib_ids: list[Union[tmt.base.DependencySimple, tmt.base.DependencyFmfId, tmt.base.DependencyFile]] | None = None, logger: Logger, source_location: Path | None = None, target_location: Path | None = None) tuple[list[Union[tmt.base.DependencySimple, tmt.base.DependencyFmfId, tmt.base.DependencyFile]], list[Union[tmt.base.DependencySimple, tmt.base.DependencyFmfId, tmt.base.DependencyFile]], list['LibraryType']]

Check dependencies for possible beakerlib libraries

Fetch all identified libraries, check their required and recommended packages. Return tuple (requires, recommends, libraries) containing list of regular rpm package names aggregated from all fetched libraries, list of aggregated recommended packages and a list of gathered libraries (instances of the Library class).

Avoid infinite recursion by keeping track of imported library identifiers and not trying to fetch those again.

tmt.libraries.library_factory(*, identifier: DependencySimple | DependencyFmfId | DependencyFile, parent: Common | None = None, logger: Logger, source_location: Path | None = None, target_location: Path | None = None) BeakerLib | File

Factory function to get correct library instance