tmt.package_managers package


tmt.package_managers.apk module

class tmt.package_managers.apk.Apk(*, guest: Guest, logger: Logger)

Bases: PackageManager

Initialize name and relation with the parent object

Prepare the workdir for provided id / directory path or generate a new workdir name if workdir=True given. Store command line context and options for future use if context is provided.

NAME: str = 'apk'
check_presence(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl) dict[Union[tmt.package_managers.Package, tmt.package_managers.FileSystemPath, tmt.package_managers.PackagePath, tmt.package_managers.PackageUrl], bool]

Return a presence status for each given installable

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
install(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
install_command = <tmt.utils.Command object>
install_debuginfo(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
path_to_package(path: FileSystemPath) Package

Find a package providing given filesystem path.

This is not easily possible in Alpine. There is apk-file utility available but it seems unrealiable. Support only a fixed set of mappings until a better solution is available.

prepare_command() tuple[tmt.utils.Command, tmt.utils.Command]

Prepare installation command for apk

probe_command: Command = <tmt.utils.Command object>

A command to run to check whether the package manager is available on a guest.

reinstall(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput

tmt.package_managers.apt module

class tmt.package_managers.apt.Apt(*, guest: Guest, logger: Logger)

Bases: PackageManager

Initialize name and relation with the parent object

Prepare the workdir for provided id / directory path or generate a new workdir name if workdir=True given. Store command line context and options for future use if context is provided.

NAME: str = 'apt'
check_presence(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl) dict[Union[tmt.package_managers.Package, tmt.package_managers.FileSystemPath, tmt.package_managers.PackagePath, tmt.package_managers.PackageUrl], bool]

Return a presence status for each given installable

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
install(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
install_command = <tmt.utils.Command object>
install_debuginfo(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
path_to_package(path: FileSystemPath) Package

Find a package providing given filesystem path.

This is not trivial as some are used to from yum or dnf, it requires installation of apt-file utility and building an index of packages and filesystem paths.

prepare_command() tuple[tmt.utils.Command, tmt.utils.Command]

Prepare installation command for apt

probe_command: Command = <tmt.utils.Command object>

A command to run to check whether the package manager is available on a guest.

reinstall(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput

tmt.package_managers.dnf module

class tmt.package_managers.dnf.Dnf(*, guest: Guest, logger: Logger)

Bases: PackageManager

Initialize name and relation with the parent object

Prepare the workdir for provided id / directory path or generate a new workdir name if workdir=True given. Store command line context and options for future use if context is provided.

NAME: str = 'dnf'
check_presence(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl) dict[Union[tmt.package_managers.Package, tmt.package_managers.FileSystemPath, tmt.package_managers.PackagePath, tmt.package_managers.PackageUrl], bool]

Return a presence status for each given installable

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
install(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
install_debuginfo(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
prepare_command() tuple[tmt.utils.Command, tmt.utils.Command]

Prepare installation command and subcommand options

probe_command: Command = <tmt.utils.Command object>

A command to run to check whether the package manager is available on a guest.

probe_priority: int = 50

Package managers with higher value would be preferred when more one package manager is detected on guest. For most of the time, the default is sufficient, but some families of package managers (looking at you, yum, dnf, dnf5, rpm-ostree!) may be installed togethers, and therefore a priority is needed.

reinstall(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
skip_missing_option = '--skip-broken'
class tmt.package_managers.dnf.Dnf5(*, guest: Guest, logger: Logger)

Bases: Dnf

Initialize name and relation with the parent object

Prepare the workdir for provided id / directory path or generate a new workdir name if workdir=True given. Store command line context and options for future use if context is provided.

NAME: str = 'dnf5'
cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
probe_command: Command = <tmt.utils.Command object>

A command to run to check whether the package manager is available on a guest.

probe_priority: int = 60

Package managers with higher value would be preferred when more one package manager is detected on guest. For most of the time, the default is sufficient, but some families of package managers (looking at you, yum, dnf, dnf5, rpm-ostree!) may be installed togethers, and therefore a priority is needed.

skip_missing_option = '--skip-unavailable'
class tmt.package_managers.dnf.Yum(*, guest: Guest, logger: Logger)

Bases: Dnf

Initialize name and relation with the parent object

Prepare the workdir for provided id / directory path or generate a new workdir name if workdir=True given. Store command line context and options for future use if context is provided.

NAME: str = 'yum'
cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
install(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
probe_command: Command = <tmt.utils.Command object>

A command to run to check whether the package manager is available on a guest.

probe_priority: int = 40

Package managers with higher value would be preferred when more one package manager is detected on guest. For most of the time, the default is sufficient, but some families of package managers (looking at you, yum, dnf, dnf5, rpm-ostree!) may be installed togethers, and therefore a priority is needed.

reinstall(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput

tmt.package_managers.rpm_ostree module

class tmt.package_managers.rpm_ostree.RpmOstree(*, guest: Guest, logger: Logger)

Bases: PackageManager

Initialize name and relation with the parent object

Prepare the workdir for provided id / directory path or generate a new workdir name if workdir=True given. Store command line context and options for future use if context is provided.

NAME: str = 'rpm-ostree'
check_presence(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl) dict[Union[tmt.package_managers.Package, tmt.package_managers.FileSystemPath, tmt.package_managers.PackagePath, tmt.package_managers.PackageUrl], bool]

Return a presence status for each given installable

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
install(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
install_debuginfo(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
prepare_command() tuple[tmt.utils.Command, tmt.utils.Command]

Prepare installation command for rpm-ostree

probe_command: Command = <tmt.utils.Command object>

A command to run to check whether the package manager is available on a guest.

probe_priority: int = 100

Package managers with higher value would be preferred when more one package manager is detected on guest. For most of the time, the default is sufficient, but some families of package managers (looking at you, yum, dnf, dnf5, rpm-ostree!) may be installed togethers, and therefore a priority is needed.

reinstall(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput

Module contents

class tmt.package_managers.FileSystemPath(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Path

A filesystem path provided by a package

Construct a PurePath from one or several strings and or existing PurePath objects. The strings and path objects are combined so as to yield a canonicalized path, which is incorporated into the new PurePath object.


All installable objects.

alias of Union[Package, FileSystemPath, PackagePath, PackageUrl]

class tmt.package_managers.Options(excluded_packages: list[tmt.package_managers.Package] = <factory>, skip_missing: bool = False, check_first: bool = True, install_root: Optional[tmt.utils.Path] = None, release_version: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: object

check_first: bool = True

If set, check whether the package is already installed, and do not attempt to install it if it is already present.

excluded_packages: list[tmt.package_managers.Package]

A list of packages to exclude from installation.

install_root: Path | None = None

If set, install packages under this path instead of the usual system root.

release_version: str | None = None

If set, instruct package manager to behave as if the distribution release was release_version.

skip_missing: bool = False

If set, a failure to install a given package would not cause an error.

class tmt.package_managers.Package

Bases: str

A package name

class tmt.package_managers.PackageManager(*, guest: Guest, logger: Logger)

Bases: Common

A base class for package manager plugins

Initialize name and relation with the parent object

Prepare the workdir for provided id / directory path or generate a new workdir name if workdir=True given. Store command line context and options for future use if context is provided.

NAME: str
check_presence(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl) dict[Union[tmt.package_managers.Package, tmt.package_managers.FileSystemPath, tmt.package_managers.PackagePath, tmt.package_managers.PackageUrl], bool]

Return a presence status for each given installable

cli_invocation: 'tmt.cli.CliInvocation' | None = None
command: Command
install(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
install_debuginfo(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
options: Command
prepare_command() tuple[tmt.utils.Command, tmt.utils.Command]

Prepare installation command and subcommand options

probe_command: Command

A command to run to check whether the package manager is available on a guest.

probe_priority: int = 0

Package managers with higher value would be preferred when more one package manager is detected on guest. For most of the time, the default is sufficient, but some families of package managers (looking at you, yum, dnf, dnf5, rpm-ostree!) may be installed togethers, and therefore a priority is needed.

reinstall(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl, options: Options | None = None) CommandOutput
class tmt.package_managers.PackagePath(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Path

A path to a package file

Construct a PurePath from one or several strings and or existing PurePath objects. The strings and path objects are combined so as to yield a canonicalized path, which is incorporated into the new PurePath object.

class tmt.package_managers.PackageUrl

Bases: str

A URL of a package file

tmt.package_managers.escape_installables(*installables: Package | FileSystemPath | PackagePath | PackageUrl) Iterator[str]
tmt.package_managers.find_package_manager(name: GuestPackageManager) PackageManagerClass

Find a package manager by its name.


GeneralError – when the plugin does not exist.

tmt.package_managers.provides_package_manager(package_manager: str) Callable[[type[tmt.package_managers.PackageManager]], type[tmt.package_managers.PackageManager]]

A decorator for registering package managers.

Decorate a package manager plugin class to register a package manager.