Lint Checks
In order to ensure that all configuration data are valid and
aligned with the specification the lint
command can be used.
Below you can find the list of available checks. See the
Lint section for more details.
Test checks
Check ID |
fmf node should pass the schema validation |
summary key should be set and should be reasonably long |
all keys are known |
test script must be defined |
test directory path must be absolute |
test directory path must exist |
relevancy has been obsoleted by adjust |
coverage has been obsoleted by link |
manual test path is not an actual path |
manual test should be valid markdown |
require fields should have type field |
Plan checks
Check ID |
fmf node should pass the schema validation |
summary key should be set and should be reasonably long |
all keys are known |
execute step must be defined with “how” |
execute step methods must be known |
discover step methods must be known |
remote fmf ids must be valid |
phases must have unique names |
step phases require existing guests and roles |
environment files are not empty |
Story checks
Check ID |
fmf node should pass the schema validation |
summary key should be set and should be reasonably long |
all keys are known |
story key must be defined |
Checks for all Tests, Plans and Stories
Check ID |
no duplicate ids |